Does anyone know if getting sick has NOTHING to do with healthy eating. I've been eating mostly healthy and I'm sick. I was also sick 2 weeks ago. This is very frustrating.


  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    If you have been sick for two weeks straight and you still feel horrible, I would see a doctor.

    I don't think the healthy eating has anything to do with you being sick. Are you trying to say it should have prevented it? I'm sure there are other causes and factors that play in.

    Get well soon. :)
  • cdruler
    cdruler Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello Packersfan,

    Being sick is no fun. I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.

    If you think it is something that isn't going away or caused by your diet then you should go check with your doctor. They can usually help pin-point a problem and help alleviate it so you don't have to constantly worry about it. The relief of just knowing that you are sick from x or y is way better than wondering why you might be sick.

    Also, what kind of symptoms are you having? That would go a long way toward someone being able to give you advice. Although even then the best route is to probably go see your doctor if you want to be sure.

  • Cate1898
    Cate1898 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree that you should go see a doctor if you've been sick for that long. Healthy eating should help you, not make you sick. Keep eating healthy and if you think you need to, go see a doctor. Let us know how everything goes!
  • SuzPero
    SuzPero Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, it would depend on your symptoms. Sharing your symptoms might help wth online advice from others. If you have introduced new foods into your diet you may have an allergy to that food which could make you feel ill. Do you see a pattern at all when you eat certain foods? If you stay ill, maybe a doctors visit is needed as others suggested.
  • jennthumphries
    jennthumphries Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well. If it's an upset stomach - have you been tested for food allergies? It can be done with a simple blood test. I had a similar problem because I didn't know I was sensitive to gluten. But I agree with the others, go to your primary doctor first to get checked, maybe he can refer you for a food allergy test. It's usually covered by most insurance.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    If you have been sick for two weeks straight and you still feel horrible, I would see a doctor.

    I don't think the healthy eating has anything to do with you being sick. Are you trying to say it should have prevented it? I'm sure there are other causes and factors that play in.

    Get well soon. :)

    No. Not 2 weeks straight. 2 weeks ago I was sick. I was fine for one full week. Now I am sick again. :(
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    cdruler wrote: »
    Hello Packersfan,

    Being sick is no fun. I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.

    If you think it is something that isn't going away or caused by your diet then you should go check with your doctor. They can usually help pin-point a problem and help alleviate it so you don't have to constantly worry about it. The relief of just knowing that you are sick from x or y is way better than wondering why you might be sick.

    Also, what kind of symptoms are you having? That would go a long way toward someone being able to give you advice. Although even then the best route is to probably go see your doctor if you want to be sure.

    Itchy throat. Cough, stuffy nose.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    Cate1898 wrote: »
    I agree that you should go see a doctor if you've been sick for that long. Healthy eating should help you, not make you sick. Keep eating healthy and if you think you need to, go see a doctor. Let us know how everything goes!

    I actually have a physical scheduled for June 16th. I'm supposed to get some blood drawn before my appointment.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    SuzPero wrote: »
    I agree, it would depend on your symptoms. Sharing your symptoms might help wth online advice from others. If you have introduced new foods into your diet you may have an allergy to that food which could make you feel ill. Do you see a pattern at all when you eat certain foods? If you stay ill, maybe a doctors visit is needed as others suggested.

    No new foods. Pretty much what I've been eating my whole life. I've never had allergies growing up. I've heard you can develop them. I'm 39 now. So who knows.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well. If it's an upset stomach - have you been tested for food allergies? It can be done with a simple blood test. I had a similar problem because I didn't know I was sensitive to gluten. But I agree with the others, go to your primary doctor first to get checked, maybe he can refer you for a food allergy test. It's usually covered by most insurance.

    No. Not an upset stomach. I can pretty much eat anything and I'm fine. Actually I discovered I can't have regular milk. So I have Almond Milk with my cereal in the morning. I'm thinking just a slight cold. I'm just frustrated because I thought eating right would not so much keep me from getting sick but at least be a deterrent and I was sick just 2 weeks ago.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Eating right means different things to different people so when you talk to your doc about it, be more specific. Maybe even bring your food journal. And it kinda sounds like allergies to me too.