Threadmill.. Is there a right or wrong way?

Hey guys!
Okay so I'm just back on it again.. Iv gained 18kg in the last year and half and it's horrible.. Been lazy and off mode since i lost my job..
Anyways so now I'm back on it, been a week of eating clean.
It's really hot here in UAE during the summer time so the only way I can workout is on the threadmill..
I'm not used to using it so pretty much new
I need advice on what's the best speed etc
Currently I'm doin a speed of 6km/h for 30 mins
I started off with 4km/h for 45 mins and now I'm doin 30 mins but higher speed
Been doin the treadmill for a week aswel.. Iv messed around experimenting with speeds
Iv tried doin speed 4 for a minute then speed 8 for a minute on and off
Iv tried speed 5 for 3 minutes then speed 7 for 2 mins
I stick to a calorie intake of roughly 1200
My current weight is 72.7kg and I'm looking to reduce..
Please tell me what's the best programme for the treadmill..
And also a total random question.. Is eating eggs everyday okay?


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    There really is no "best". It depends on your current fitness level. Changing it up and experimenting with speeds is great! Also, what I firmly believe in is incline intervals. HIGH incline intervals. Really gets your heart rate up but it's not necessarily a speed or distance thing. Key is to keep track of your times and your speeds and your incline intervals and ALWAYS be increasing them. Always pushing yourself to do more.

    Use the elliptical machines, rowing machines, step mills, etc., too. Varying your workout will stave off boredom and will help elevate your fitness level.

    As far as I know it is fine to eat eggs every day.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Eggs are good source of protein, which will help energy levels. Protein gooood.

    As for the treadmill, there is no right or wrong way. If you feel your speed is too fast, slow down for a while. If it starts feeling too slow, kick it up a notch. Starting at what is a comfortable burn and staying there for a few weeks is fine. You'll eventually start feeling like it's not enough, and then you can kick it up a bit. If I had to start at a high speed, I NEVER would have started walking. I had to start very slow for small walks and build up slowly over time. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm better.

    Also, as BZAH says, try other machines. Maybe treadmill one day and bike the next time. Whatever you feel works best for you and isn't actually hurting you is fine.