I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly dead



  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have a few friends that the juicing really worked for,(they have maintained big losses for over 2 years). I on the other hand tried it, lost 50 lbs and then gained back 70. :/ Since then, I've learned a lot.

    I've been counting calories,(eating food I like at a deficit) for a few days shy of one year. I've lost 122 lbs! I'm also going to school to become a dietitian.

    Best of luck to you, however you get your health in order, just be warned, fasting can cause health problems.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    That movie is still one of the best infomercials I have ever seen, most people don't think they are selling you something...GENIUS!

    They should show it in marketing classes. It's golden, and the dude makes tons of money off of it now.

    Exhibit A: OP here, insisting she knows what she's doing, and has no idea how duped she's been.

    It's really not all about the movie, but countless other people who have done the same thing with great results. (Not always meaning weight loss)
    Maybe I was "duped" into buying a really nice juicer, but not at all costs... I'm consuming more fruits and veggies now than I was in the past.
    And to me, that's a step in the right direction.


    lol yes you were duped into buying a "really nice juicer" with the promise of unrealistic results

    but as long as you figure that out and find a healthy approach then you'll be fine in the end
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    You have to do what you think is best, but for long sustainable success just make small changes to your diet and exercise plan along with small goals. Once you reach this goal, make another. Before you know you're forming habits - all which lead to personal gains.

    You may find a better strategy focusing on some larger goal than weight loss - like finishing a 5k, 10k, etc. Tailor the goal to your needs, but personally I find health for the sake of health rather boring. Climbing mountains on the other hand give one purpose!
  • Virdrago
    Virdrago Posts: 18 Member
    I am a little shocked by the feedback Heather is getting here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and some good, sound, healthy advice is always helpful, but the way many of you (not all of you) are coming off is not very helpful or supportive at all. Different things work for different people, and you all may have your own opinions about juice fasting, and I am not saying they are wrong, and no, it doesn't hurt to share knowledge and different perspectives on things with our fellow MFP members, but let's cut Heather a little slack here people...no one has to encourage her to do something they don't agree with, but everyone has to go about their own journey their own way.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Virdrago wrote: »
    I am a little shocked by the feedback Heather is getting here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and some good, sound, healthy advice is always helpful, but the way many of you (not all of you) are coming off is not very helpful or supportive at all. Different things work for different people, and you all may have your own opinions about juice fasting, and I am not saying they are wrong, and no, it doesn't hurt to share knowledge and different perspectives on things with our fellow MFP members, but let's cut Heather a little slack here people...no one has to encourage her to do something they don't agree with, but everyone has to go about their own journey their own way.

    So we don't have to encourage her to do something potentially dangerous, but we shouldn't discourage her?

    Seems legit.
  • Virdrago
    Virdrago Posts: 18 Member
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Among the many problems with the juice diet is that it is expensive, messy, full of sugar, unsatisfying, and not conducive to the social aspect of eating. Yes, I have seen people go all gung-ho for a few days or weeks, but they looked sad, lonely and miserable. The plan was usually abandoned about the time a friend or family member had a birthday party with a huge rebound eating spell that resulted in additional weight than the early loss.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Virdrago wrote: »
    I am a little shocked by the feedback Heather is getting here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and some good, sound, healthy advice is always helpful, but the way many of you (not all of you) are coming off is not very helpful or supportive at all. Different things work for different people, and you all may have your own opinions about juice fasting, and I am not saying they are wrong, and no, it doesn't hurt to share knowledge and different perspectives on things with our fellow MFP members, but let's cut Heather a little slack here people...no one has to encourage her to do something they don't agree with, but everyone has to go about their own journey their own way.

    juice cleanses don't work for anything, period.

    and MFP TOS does not allow VLCD's so technically this post is against said TOS. So you are asking us to support something that the site does not allow?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Y mash the juices out.... the fiber is good and healthy for you too. Eat the whole fruits/veggies.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Y mash the juices out.... the fiber is good and healthy for you too. Eat the whole fruits/veggies.

    lol +1
