I'm going to give this a shot, starting yesterday, and I'm looking for people to add me as a friend. I have no clue how to add Friends, but I do know how to accept people! I'm really looking for people to be accountable to and who will light a fire under my butt when need be!

I have a LOT of weight to lose, so if there's anyone out there with 100+ or 200+ pounds to lose I would especially love to hear from you! ALL friends are welcome though, even if you only have 5 pounds to lose -- we're all in this together!


  • carlata920
    carlata920 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi friend.. lol.. i have about 100 lbs to loose.. i just started counting my calories yesterday.. ive needed to do this my whole life so far.. i have two kids..my youngest Is 3.. thats when i got the extra 30 i haven't lost yet.. so this mental battle has been going on forever..lol.. my name is Carla and i'm 36. I dont know how to add people or anything.. its pretty cool how it lets you add all your calorie intake for the day..
  • vallet2014
    vallet2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Sky and I just signed up today...I have 30 pds to lose which have really been giving me a hard time...lol...anyways nice to meet u!
  • ToniHicks92
    ToniHicks92 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am just getting started also! I sent you a request!
  • Chanel_0415
    Chanel_0415 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm new Add me! Hoping to loose 10lbs! We can do this!!
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I would love to be your friend! I am looking for some good support as well. This website has helped me stay on track in the past with excellent results. Unfortunately I stopped and the weight started coming back. I don't have 100+ lbs to lose, my goal is about 40lb. But weight is weight and we can support each other with our healthy lifestyles :)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Nice to meet you! Finding the motivation can be hard, but you are here and that is a great start! Some days will be harder than others, but as long as you stay focused and determined to reach your goals, you will succeed. Sending you a request.