sad :((((

xojox Posts: 187 Member
I seem to be finding everything too hard lately!!

I've suffered with depression for yrs culminating in a near nervous breakdown about 2yrs ago. I'm improving but get very low days - the last couple being bad.

I have plenty of friends ( all skinny) and go out about once a wk to enjoy myself.

I have 3 children the youngest having some development issues.

I broke my ankle in early feb and was not able to exercise but as of today my youngest is going to playgroup 2 afternoons a wk.

The problem i have is that i've lost all my motivation, i come on here religiously every day and have done for months, but i've only lost 13lbs. I would rather sit and read a book or do nothing at all except clean.

I suppose what i'm looking for is a pep talk 'cause i just can't seem to shake the mood xx


  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    first of all 13lbs is AWESOME !!! and well i feel you on the depression part, at age 14 i lost the ability to feel anything from the waist down...and had to learn how to walk again once the feelings came back (thank god)...and well i am a personal trainer who runs , a lot! :) so you can do whatever you REALLY REALLY want to! and logging onto a website does not make u lose weight! so keep logging on and pushing yourself! i also should mention i pass out from anxiety attacks...alot and i have just recently gotten to the point of being able to talk myself outta the i feel you on the imporving mentally SLOWLY! just remember your destiny is in your hands, and making mini goals towards your destiny is the best way to feel like your getting somewhere, slowly or quickly!!! good luck, if you need support just send me a message!!!! cheer up, your awesome, you care about yourself enough to reach out to others!!!! =D
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    wow you're an inspiration!!!!!

    I must admit it took a lot of thought and took me about half an hr to write what i did! but what you have said is what i need to hear, i really need to kick myself up the butt and stop feelin so sorry for myself, but as you know some days thats easier said than done, thanks for your words - do you mind if i send you a friend request x
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    fantastic advice so far :flowerforyou:
    Hiya sweetheart...It is horrible when you find yourself in a low mood. 13lbs is an amazing achievement and you lost a considerable amount the last time you weighed. Have you tried getting the measuring tape out? Over the past few weeks (apart from during my injury) when I have been doing the 30 day shred I have lost 5 inches from my hips...although the scales havn't moved too much!

    13lbs in an awful lot of weight...really it is! That's nearly a stone in weight and you should be so proud of yourself. Remember, this isn't a diet but a change in lifestyle that you will benefit from in the long are losing weight steadily and therefore you are doing this in the best possible way.

    As I live in your area, I know the sun is shining today...get in the garden, or go for a nice stroll in one of the fields around here...try and get that heart rate up a little and get those feel good endophins pumping. Life is not easy sometimes, but we are all lucky to be able to experience it. If you don't feel up for a walk, get those beauty products out and have a good ole pamper session...get those feet ready for summer...exfoliate and moisturise and I promise you'll lift your mood a little. Be selfish for once and do something for YOU!

  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    thanks nat!! and it is a beautiful day for dog walking - which is exactly what i've just done, and i must admit its put me in a much better place.
    Hopefully with a bit of self motivation my 5hrs a week i now have for myself will be out walking him, good for both of us xx
  • bikinimission
    I just read your post and thought i'd say hello and that all the advice you've been given so far is great. I was thinking though, why don't you use your new 5 hours of freedom a week to take up a new hobby or meet some new people. They say that change is as good as a holiday :) Try something new, get out of the house and have some 'me time' you deserve it.

    Also, 13lbs is a huge achievement - I've only lost three and each of them has been hard hard work!!

    Good luck and remember there's always support to be found on here when you're finding things tough!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    13 lbs is great, just remember every day is a new start, a new beginning, if you have lost your motivation, just start small and build yourself back up, you can do it!
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    thank you all!!!! xxxx

    I think i need to look at the message boards more often - i never know what to say lol x

    You've all been sooo supportive :flowerforyou:

    I feel a lot better for getting out of the house alone and not with a tribe of children - walking at my own pace!!

    I have taken all the advice on board - and will update with my progress :heart: