80/20 principle and supplementation

I'm sure many of you are aware of the Pareto principle when it comes to businesses and relationships. However It also applies to nutrition and supplementation. whether your goals are lean muscle gains or fat loss. 80% of your results are going to be from your nutrition, your exercise and creating a calorie surplus or deficit which ever it may be for your individual goals.

Supplements have their place, but bare in mind there are no drastic short cuts when it comes to losing weight naturally. As their name implies supplements are a supplement and as such need to be used in conjunction with a diet and exercise routine geared towards your goals. unless your diet is in check any extra calorie deficit these stimulants cause will simply result in a temporary weight loss. As soon as you stop them, your metabolic rate will revert to where it was previously and if your diet is still lacking then you can expect to regain every pound lost.

However thermogenics (Caffeine,Ephedrine,Raspberry-ketones,Green Coffee bean extract, Green tea, most Proprietary Blend blend diet pills, etc) can all generally help boost your weight loss goals but they're a supplement and need to be treated as such.

Cliff notes
Supplements aren't a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise routine geared towards your goals.
Supplements work but generally not nearly as much as manufacturers, advertisers and promoters want you to believe.
Supplements are as their name implies a "supplement" not a replacement and need to be treated as such. (the goal is to "supplement" your weight loss not cause it with no effort other than taking a supplement.