Going down the rabbit hole.

I've noticed that 2013 has been very difficult for me to stay on track. My thyroid meds have changed, my depression is worse and my willpower is gone. I'm not exercising as much but still doing my big one on M-W-F. I know this is weak but I needed to reach out.


  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    This is the time when you need to be reminding yourself that a bad day/week/month, etc. doesn't mean game over. Every time I feel myself drifting away from these goals, I feel like my first tendency is to chuck it all in. But looking at the big picture, one little blip on the chart isn't that big of a deal. Okay, today was bad? No sweat, back to normal tomorrow. There is a reason this is important to you. Keep that goal in your head and you can't fail. Every day you exercise and eat right is a victory. More good days than bad is forward progress. It's as simple as that.

    Good luck!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks :wink: