New to MFP! Looking to be a Successful Senior - Could use some Suggestions!

Hi, I'm new to MFP! I'm 59 years old, 5'6", 222.4 lbs., and have decided to live more actively, creatively, & happily from this very moment on! So right now is the 1st moment of the rest of my life! I love Yoga, meditation & being outdoors! I prefer outdoor activity and can't seem to get myself in a gym. I've been eating loads of stress for several years, have recently been diagnosed w/Hashimoto's Thyroid and have plans to show my thyroid who is boss! My doctor told me about MyFitnessPal and I'm excited about the possibilities! I am putting the positive back into my mind and need some suggestions on how to get started. I want to take it slow & steady so I don't have the big one and meet my maker! I have a lot of living I still want to do ;)


  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I'm 60, have Hashimoto's and have lost 40 lbs in my journey to lose at least 60. I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! To start with, read the Announcements at the top of each of the message board threads. There is great information in them for getting started. Start with this one: and this one

    Baby steps are key so your "slow and steady" plan is perfect. You don't want to try to change your entire life overnight or you'll likely end up frustrated and overwhelmed. Start out by simply logging everything you eat in MFP. That's every single thing down to vitamins and gum. Be brutally honest with yourself as to what you are eating and drinking. Logging everything makes it easier to see where you can make simple changes that will have a big impact. For greater accuracy with calorie counts, weigh solid foods using a kitchen scale and measure liquids that can't be weighed. If you don't own a kitchen scale, buy one soon. It will be a critical tool as you learn portion sizes.

    Start strength training as soon as possible. In my opinion it's more important than doing cardio because it is much easier to maintain the muscle you already have than to build new muscle later. When we lose weight it is a combination of water, fat and muscle. If you're maintaining muscle then more of your loss will be from fat! Muscle also burns more calories than fat so you'll be keeping your metabolism up. Additionally, if you are significantly overweight, your body has built up a lot of muscle mass to move around your extra weight. If you can keep that muscle through strength training while you lose weight you're going to look amazing when you've lost the fat over it.

    The measuring tape is a better tool than the bathroom scale for judging your progress. In addition to "Before" pictures, measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and any other body part you want to track and start recording them in MFP now. When the scale isn't moving your body might still be shrinking especially if you're lifting weights.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is not linear and you will lose pounds faster at the beginning than at the end. Don't let the eventual slowdown or the daily ups and downs discourage you. Watch the trend over time.

    Most of all best wishes to you as you make this lifestyle change. It's definitely worth it. I sometimes wonder why I ever thought that being a couch potato was better.
  • loisnhank765
    loisnhank765 Posts: 2 Member
    75 is the new 60, senior. We're living more actively and more in tune with our bodies and minds. I, too, am restarting my journey after having a pacemaker inserted last week. But don't let that put me in the "old folks" file. For now, I'm concentrating on eating more cleanly (if it grows on a plant, eat it; if its made in a plant, toss it). Nowhere near where I want to be, but inching my way.
    I'm beginning workouts with my right arm for now and using my wii Fit. Any movement is good movement.
    Will give you any support and encouragement I can, and hope for that from you and others.