New to MFP! Successful Seniors...need suggestions on how to get active w/o having the Big One!

Hi, I'm new to MFP! I'm 59 years old, 5'6", 222.4 lbs., and have decided to live more actively, creatively, & happily from this very moment on! So right now is the 1st moment of the rest of my life! I love Yoga, meditation & being outdoors! I prefer outdoor activity and can't seem to get myself in a gym. I've been eating loads of stress for several years, have recently been diagnosed w/Hashimoto's Thyroid and have plans to show my thyroid who is boss! My doctor told me about MyFitnessPal and I'm excited about the possibilities! I am putting the positive back into my mind and need some suggestions on how to get started. I want to take it slow & steady so I don't have the big one and meet my maker! I have a lot of living I still want to do ;)


  • geotrice
    geotrice Posts: 274 Member
    Focus on diet and hitting your calorie goals with MFP. That's number one. Make that your priority. Everything else should be secondary.

    Then do the kinds of exercise you enjoy. Nothing wrong with being outdoors. Go for walks, hikes, yoga. Being active is just about moving. If you want to incorporate some weight training start with body weight exercises which you could do outdoors. You don't have to go hard enough to risk the big one. Just be active because your diet and calories goals will work for you.