Then and Now

Elarah11 Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Just wanted to post about my success/failure in my little rodeo of getting healthy. These are my measurements from the last year or so. In August of 2014 I wanted to try exercising for 30 min/day without dietary changes to see if I would lose weight/"tone" up. People kept saying it won't work. Well it did. On day 16 I had lost a total of 5 1/4". I have to thank Jillian Michaels for this. Unfortunately, this time around I am trying more diet vs exercise (although I walk between 5&13km/day) because I am one of those "I can get started but if one thing distracts me, I'm off the wagon" types of people. So anyways, here are my measurements taken 1-ish years ago, day 16 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, my first measurements when trying to fix my diet of 2015, and my current measurements. I should also note I quit smoking which resulted in super bad diet choices which is why I started MFP again. Thank you to the loved one who kindly showed me that I was really, really letting myself go. Feel free to post your measurements and success/failures and how you overcame them. Also, feel free to ask or post tricks to the trade of healthy living.
1 Year Ago: Arms 13", Thighs 24 1/2", Ribs 34", Hips 42", Waist 39"
Day 16: Arms 12 1/4", Thighs 23 3/4", Ribs 31 3/4", Hips 41", Waist 38 1/2"
First Measurements of 2015: Arms 12 1/2", Thighs 25", Ribs 33", Hips 43 1/2", Waist 40 1/4"
Now: Arms 12", Thighs 24 3/4", Ribs 32 1/2", Hips 42 1/2", Waist 39 1/2"

As you can see, some areas I have done good (arms are smaller than day 16), and some areas I still need improvement (my hips are 1 1/2" larger than day 16 and 1/2" larger than 1 year ago). For me, I am probably going to try 30 Day Shred again as I had lost a total of 5 1/4" in 16 days with no dietary change. And who can argue with 30 minutes of exercise? I don't think it comes any easier. Anyways, I will post my future measurements and hopefully everyone reading will too. Documentation is very very important. Take care everyone and good luck!