1500cal diet consist of

Ok going to start my 1500 cal diet , and fitness for at least a hour a day.

Q is what is your average 1500 cal day consists of


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Mine tends to be a bowl of fruit for breakfast (200-300 calories), chicken wrap or similar for lunch (around 600), some sort of meat and vegetables for dinner (anywhere between 300 and 600), then the rest in chocolate.

    Though my days also vary from 1200 to 1900 depending on how much exercise I've done, but 1500-1600 is the norm.
  • haibu
    haibu Posts: 67 Member
    Green or protein smoothie for breakfast, meat or hard boiled eggs for snack, something like tuna or eggs + fruit for lunch, nuts or peanut butter on crackers for afternoon snack, dinner is usually typical dinner fare (maybe no condiments or less or healthier versions), and then a late night treat because it makes me happy.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I eat about 1500 a day and my diet is extremely varied. Today breakfast was coffee, strawberry yogurt with granola on top. Had a protein shake after exercise which I normally don't have. Lunch was leftovers- rice, teriyaki shrimp, carrots onion and spinach. I might have a snack later- maybe an apple and/or pretzels with a diet soda. Dinner will be some meat and vegetables, maybe including a small amount of starch as well like potatoes. I like to eat a few dark chocolate covered acai berries for a sweet bite after dinner. I also have 80 calorie ice cream bars that I can eat if I have room in the budget.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    1500 is too low for a male unless you're very short, and certainly too low if you're going to work out an hour a day. MFP gives you 2200 so probably you should eat closer to that...

    And a 1500 cal diet consists of 1500 cals. :D You don't need a special menu, although you can Google one if you do need that structure to get you going. But otherwise, just budget a certain amount for each meal and snacks if you want them, then find foods you like and that help you feel good (full, energetic, etc) that fit in that budget.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member

    Breakfast: 113 grams of cottage cheese

    Lunch: heading out with my boss. I'll be getting a Greek salad with shrimp which I'm estimating at 700 calories. Unfortunately the restaurant isn't a chain so I can't look it up. Depending on the looks of the salad I might bump it up to more.

    Dinner: Italian sandwich on sourdough bread

    That'll bring me close to 1,430, I have wiggle room for snacks.

    Like others have said you can eat anything you want. I prefer protein-rich foods while I'm at my desk job so I don't have the urge to snack a ton.
  • smr09012
    smr09012 Posts: 42 Member
    My "goal" is 1,515, but I'll be swimming a mile this afternoon, so I'm going to end up eating about 1,770. But here is what I'll have today.

    Breakfast - 364 cal
    Honey Nut Chex - 53g
    2% Milk - 1/2 c
    Banana - 113 g

    Lunch - 566 cal
    Chicken salad - 1/3 c
    Triscuits - 8 crackers
    Sargento Balanced Break (cashews, cranberries, cheese) - 1 tray

    Dinner - 568 cal (roughly, this will change slightly as I put in exact weights when I cook)
    Angel hair pasta - ~2oz
    Salmon in lemon butter sauce - ~3.5oz+sauce
    Asparagus - ~1.5oz
    Texas Toast - 1 slice

    Snacks - 270
    Multivites - (30 cals doesn't seem worth logging, but I like to add it into my macros)
    Black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream - 108g
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Breakfast- Berries and coffee
    Lunch- Pita with 6oz roasted chicken with mashed avocado
    Dinner- Salad with italian dressing and salmon
    Snack- TBD

    Or, you know, pizza and wine. 1500 cals are you to use as you'd like!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    My goal is 1525. At this calorie goal I will not eat back exercise cals.
    Breakfast: Coffee with fat free sugar free creamer (30)
    Oatmeal (275)

    Lunch: Usually a salad of some sort (~450)

    Snacks: 1 morning and 1 afternoon. Fruit, nuts, greek yogurt, granola bars, protein bars, etc. (~250 total)

    Dinner: usually chicken, salmon or tilapia, veggies, brown rice or something similar (~500)
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yeah, I think you are a little low for a male. I did that too when first starting. Now I’m ramping up my calorie intake because I have noticed my energy level dropped. But it doesn’t hurt to experiment a little to see what works for you. I don’t think it will hurt you short term, maybe a week, I just wouldn’t do it for months.
    For me, I was overeating a bit and drinking to many sugary drinks, soda and juice. I cut the high cal drinks, switched to water and flavored water and cut down on my food portions. This drastically cut my calories, so now I am upping my calorie intake slowly and working on accurately logging my food and drinks.
    Keep reading the forums here, I think you'll find the old timers, the ones that have allot of posts, give good advice. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • jamesPercy1985
    jamesPercy1985 Posts: 32 Member
    Ok I know some think it's silly to ask how others keep to a 1500 cal diet but when your mostly having porridge , chicken with rice , chicken with broccoli, and potatoes it can get a little boring,
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Ok I know some think it's silly to ask how others keep to a 1500 cal diet but when your mostly having porridge , chicken with rice , chicken with broccoli, and potatoes it can get a little boring,

    It's not silly, it's just that you're unlikely to find your way based on someone else's way. At least not with that broad of a question. Everyone is different, and since it doesn't strictly matter WHAT you eat or WHEN or broken into how many meals/snacks, you really do have to figure a lot of this on your own.

    Like, you don't need to have mostly porridge and chicken. Why not have pizza? Or what do you like? Have steak. I used to have steak all the time on 1500. You have to learn what keeps you happy and full, and make it fit. Try pre-logging some things and making tweaks ahead of time. Like, how much steak would you eat? Now what's left in your budget for that meal, and what would you like to fit there? When you have a meal idea figured out, give it a try. How'd it work out? Did you stay full? If not, troubleshoot. Make sure you're getting lots of fat and protein to stay full. And if you want something like pizza, start looking around at menus for pizza that would fit in your calorie budget. Or look at frozen options and add some toppings and spices.

    If you want recipes, SkinnyTaste is a good resource.

    And up your calorie budget!! 1500 is unhealthy, and it's making this more difficult than it needs to be for you.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    One of my day's this week was
    Breakfast: None (I have never been a fan of eating breakfast so virtually never eat it now)
    Lunch: Piece of lasagna
    Supper: Salsa Chicken, salad, pizza pretzel
    Snack: Chocolate, popcorn, salad (I love these new salads I have been buying so sometimes crave to in one day haha)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my diary is open but summer breakfast is a smoothie(fruit, juice, almond milk, protein powder) and coffee with cream and sugar, lunch is left overs from dinner so chicken and veggies, bbq cheese burgers, pasta salad etc...dinner see lunch.

    Snacks typically yogurt and chocolate.

    If I exercise...watch out...and I typically do.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Some things I do:
    Breakfast: bacon egg and cheese taco or homemade egg mcmuffin (~300 cal)
    Lunch: Protein (chicken thigh/breast, salmon pattie), veg (broccoli, carrot, green beans), starch/fat (bread w/butter, potato) (~300-400)
    Dinner: Fish or chicken, veg, starch (~300-400)

    Snack as allowed within my calories. Today I had a plate of potstickers, yesterday I had cookies.

    I swap out different options & preparations as mood hits, and what's in the fridge. If I get a good deal on chicken thighs, I might bake the whole batch with a spice rub and that's an easy lunch/dinner option for a few days.

    Chicken breasts are actually a bit of a pain because they tend to be so big. I have to bake or butterfly them for pan searing. Seasoned with some kosher salt and pepper (or lemon pepper) for pan searing usually comes out very juicy, though.

    The morning taco is a very nice way to start off, very easy to make and holds me through lunch usually nicely. A nice spicy salsa adds a lot of flavor.