I am new to the MFP.

I downloaded the MFP app long time ago but never got into using it until recently. I wish to bring my weight below 200 pounds before Christmas. I spent a large portion of my time in bed due to health issues. I was recently given permission to exercise. I would like to be a support and encouragement to friends as well as be supported and encouraged.


  • rebeccarellaford447
    rebeccarellaford447 Posts: 9 Member
    Good for you, that is an awesome goal! I have struggled with a binge eating disorder but I am trying to overcome it and lose the weight I gained. I need to love 25-35 lbs and it is SO HARD!!! It's awesome that you're trying to change though, way to go!
  • Blessed_luv
    Blessed_luv Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you, would you like to be friends.
    I have a little more weight to lose than you do I need to lose about 70 pounds. If my scale is accurate it does play games with me from day today.
  • suzannew11
    suzannew11 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome we are all here for you on your journey
  • Blessed_luv
    Blessed_luv Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you :)
    Would you like to be friends?
  • CarisaEli
    CarisaEli Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! Take it a day at a time. I had the MFP app for a year before actually taking my weight loss seriously so you got this!!!
  • Blessed_luv
    Blessed_luv Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you Carisa, :)
    Welcome and I hope you have a wonderful experience here maybe we could be friends and encourage each other.
  • Brrrendan
    Brrrendan Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in a very similar position and have recently been told it's fine for me to start exercising again. If it helps, my physio has suggested that an exercise bike is a great low-impact starting point. And some serious dietary changes.
  • Blessed_luv
    Blessed_luv Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to get one of those but it's just not in my budget. I take a lot of medication that makes me extremely dizzy most of the time. So I need exercises I can do seated or in bed. How long have you been doing MFP?