More flexible on left side...

kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
I seem to be flexible on my left side,I first noticed this when in Bodypump class and it came to the abs workout where you lower your leg (like leg raises), I can lower left leg right down but my right top thigh/hip would make this big clicking sound which stopped me feom going lower but I've noticed it again,I've been doing the daily glute activation workouts from strong curves and for example when doing side clams I can lift left side quite high but my right side doesnt come up very high...Can this be fixed...I broke my leg when I was 6 in three places,coukd this have something to do with it...


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Flexibility will improve with training. Keep at it, and you should notice a difference over time. Don't expect dramatic differences fast because we aren't small kids. :) And expect it to differ day to day and even throughout a session -- our flexibility isn't static.

    I'm working daily on flexibility, and have been for a few months. Nothing groundbreaking yet, but if I compare certain positions to where I started, there's a big improvement, even though I can't do anything impressive outside of that context.

    In terms of asymmetry: Totally normal. We have stronger sides, more flexible sides, more stiff sides, just like we have slight differences in sizes of feet, legs, arms, etc often. Nothing to worry about.

    In terms of relation to previous break: No way for internet strangers to know, I don't think. If you don't see improvement in a few months of dedicated work, maybe look into physical therapy?

    In terms of clicking etc: From what I have heard, clicking is fine if there's no sensation with it. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, modify your exercise or skip it. (Like put more of a bend in your knee, don't go as low, put your hands under your butt to raise it a bit, whatever helps.) However, I don't know if it's still fine for someone like you who has a previous injury, so it might be worth checking with your doc if you're not sure.