328 pounds....How!?!?



  • HealthDetermined
    HealthDetermined Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Lizz. You say you know how to eat healthy but the problem is actually doing it, right? What I am going to tell you is not a very popular opinion here but turst me it works, it worked for me. What you need to do before changing your eating habits is changing your unhealthy habits, meaning if you eat a lot outside, try to eat more at home; meals you cook yourself, that is. If you don't drink enough water, drink at least 3-4 liters a day ( I know everyone says two liters but the bigger you are the more you need and if you want to lose weight the more-er you need!) and if you can do it try to cut the soda and alcohol completely out of your diet, if that is hard for you to do then replace regular soda with diet ones and cut down on the booze. If you add a lot of salt to your food try reducing it a bit and use lemon to salt food instead, lemon is also great in boasting metabolism. If you can, try to have regular sleeping hours, say 10-11 pm and wake up 6-7 am (at least 8 sleeping hours is a must) and that will help you have regular hours for eating too like 6am, 12 pm, 6pm (or whatever is more convenient to you) and have two light snacks or so whenever you feel hungry between meals. And of course the most important thing is that you don't try to eat 100% healthy and deprive yourself completely because if you did, sooner or later you are going to burst and eat everything in sight. Instead, go by the 80% 20% rule, 80% healthy food and 20% things you like, you just make sure you fit them into your daily goal which for your weight shouldn't be less than 1800 calories anyway so you will have some flexibilty to sneak things in in the beginning and and even though you won't be making drastic changes you will find that weight is coming off fast, I would be surprised if you lost less than 4 lbs a week with those little changes alone. After a while with your weight decreasing, your calories goal for the day will have to go down as well but you would have gotten used to eating in a certain way and feeling a certain way, I doubt you would ever want to go back. The trick is taking baby steps, don't be so hard on yourself at the beginning, one small step will lead to another and the biggest step of them all is just taking the decision, you already did that so kudos to you and good luck in your journey. You are young and you are smart and I believe that you can change your life, so you go girl! Don't hesitate to add me if you want a weight losing pal for support and motivation.