
I've been on this for 20 days and am stuck at having lost 5lbs. Been under calories all but one day. Walking almost every day. Anything else I should be doing?


  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    Depending on your target loss, 5 pounds in 20 days (essentially 3 weeks) is actually pretty good. That's more than 1.5 pounds a week. Losing more quickly can be done but it requires a larger calorie deficit each day which is tougher to do. Most experts say 1-2 pounds a week is the healthy sustainable way to go.

    Also keep in mind that 1.5 pounds a week doesn't necessarily mean a perfectly linear weight loss. Some weeks might be 0 pound, some might be 3, some might be +1. But, over the long term, averaging out to 1-2 pounds is probably the best way to go.

    Good luck!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi there, you shouldn't really be aiming to be UNDER calories at the end of every day! MFP is calculating your calories required and already including a sufficient deficiency that will cause you to lose weight. You should be eating ALL of your calories and some of them you have burned during exercise. Your body is holding onto these calories because you are not providing it with enough nutrients.

    How about exercise? Have you been exercising...a little exercise may boost your metabolism and will leave you feeling great! 5 lbs is a great amount of weight loss...you are steadily losing weight at approx 1.5lbs a week and this is an excellent way to lose weight. Any loss more than this is a little too fast (unless you are considerably overweight).

    If you only have a little to lose, those last few pounds will be specifically stubborn...keep at it though, you are doinjg great
  • ruth1297
    ruth1297 Posts: 11
    Hi snap I'm exactly the same,lost 3 the first week,1 the second,1 the third and then gained 1 this week and I dont know why!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    More than likely you need to change up your exercise. While walking everyday is commendable your body needs to move in different ways to up the ante so to speak. Try jogging for 1 minute and walking for 5 for the duration of your usual walking; or add an elliptical workout or go to a yoga class....just try to mix it up on occasion. Not sure of what your calorie intake is suppose to be, but going under every day is not the key to weight loss, especially if you are at an allotment of 1200 calories per day. Eat 100-300 more calories 1-3 days per week to mix that aspect of your lifestyle change as well. And keep in mind plateaus are very normal (While yes, VERY frustrating) for all of us. I have been holding at around the same weight for many weeks and was pleasantly surprised with a weight loss this am....go figure? Anyway, mix it up is what I keep reading and find that works for me as well.
  • katiedid1956
    Thanks for all the encouragement! My daughter suggested that I measure myself and I have seen inches come off the waist and hips! As far as the exercise, due to hip problems, I can not jog. I am going to try to add some swimming to my routine! Thanks again and good luck to all of you!