HCG Motivation

showmanmd Posts: 22 Member
My name is Melissa. Im 32 years old. Ive struggled with my weight as far as I can remember. Except for 3yrs in my early 20s. Those days were my happiest and healthiest. My highest weight was 285lbs when I was pregnant with my daughter. I lost over 70lbs after Ihad her in 2007 but the weight never came off completely and slowly crept up since then and I gained most of it back. I have joined gyms, worked out religiously, watched my food in take, taken bee pollen and all sorts of magic pills to eventually fall off the wagon and end up the same or worse than before.

So here I am today. I recently started on the HCG drops. I have taken them before with slight success but gave up half way through and went back to my old eating habits.
I have looked at this program all wrong before and Iam hoping to use this time around as a means to an end. Ive always looked at it as a way to get backto my "love myself" weight and not as a stepping stone to become the kind of person that I want to be. The kind that pays attention to what she puts in her mouth. The kind that eats to live and be healthy instead of the kind that eats for instant gratification or uses food as a security blanket.

As of now I only take in roughly 550 calories a day. Unlike you would think I am not hungry 24hrs a day. I am only eating veggies, limited fruits and selective proteins. I couldnt tell you the last time that I ate veggies that werent drinched in butter, processed or in the form of a french fry. For once in a long time I am actually starting to crave healthy, unprocessed foods. I am also taking b12 and feel alot better since I started. It does seem a little extreme but it has been working and I am not afraid to ditch the program if I feel it necessary. I would be lying if I said that it didnt begin with a quick fix mentality but I am seeing this as a lifechanging decision. HCG wasnt ment to be used as a quick fix. It was ment to help re-set the metabolism and train the brain and body to eat healthier. Once I am through the "fasting" phase I want to maintain the eating habits. Just like the program is written, I will gradualy introduce foods back into my diet. Id also like to get back into excercising more and being more active. Man I love kayaking. :)

I understand that there are alot of opinons regarding the HCG and its ineffective or harmful side effects aspects. I am not posting to get anyone on the band wagon. Nor am I posting to be judged. The main reason I decided to post is that I have been using a calorie counter to get on track. I hope to use this app well after I reached my goal weight to maintain a healthy life style and Id love to meet others on their weightloss as well. I want to continue to get and be excited for mine and others journeys to lose weight and feel better. Mentally and physically.

Please feel free to share stories and inspirations. I hope to do the same. Any on the same program as I am would be a great as well. I wish you all luck and happiness. ..and of course clothes that fitlike you want them to :)


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    550 calories a day is not healthy. My 6 year old eats more than that.

    Also, I don't know where you live, but HCG is actually illegal in the US.
    You're not going to find support for it here on MFP.

    I hope you rethink your approach to weight loss and just use MFP as it's intended, with a healthy calorie goal.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    This will not end well....

    OP HCG drops are not sAfe, nor is a VLCD. For the sake of your child, why would you take such drastic measures? Don't you want to have energy to play with her? You said you've tried other fad diets only to fall off the wagon and gain it all back. Then You mentioned wanting to use a calorie counter to maintain a healthy lifestyle after you're done with the drops, why wouldn't you just start the healthy, sustainable approach now and not mess with something that could potentially be harmful to you?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator

    I'm writing to let you know that our Community Guidelines ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines ) prohibit the creation of any forum posts, groups, or posts in groups that encourage the use of Very Low Calorie diets (including, but not limited to, VLCDs that use the HCG protocol).

    MyFitnessPal has always promoted a healthy, sustainable, and gradual path to weight loss. But HCG products are typically promoted in connection with a very low calorie diet, usually one that limits calories to 500 per day. Research has demonstrated that calorie intake at these levels can lead to increased risk of gallstones, hair loss, constipation, an irregular heartbeat, and many other dangerous side-effects.

    Moreover, numerous medical studies have shown that the results of HCG-use in combination with a very low calorie diet are indistinguishable from the results of the low calorie diet alone. In light of this research, the FDA has required the labeling and advertising of HCG products to state:

    “HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.”

    Our guidelines prohibit any use of Groups or the Public Forums to support the use of HCG.


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