Target heart rate?

weehah Posts: 81 Member
Using the formula I have found online, it says my target heart rate low is 88, and high is 132. That seems really low to me. When I run, my heart rate ranges from 140-175.


  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    Yeah that doesn't seem right! My HRM has my heart rate low at 123 and high at 162. When I run I get up into the 170s as well.
  • That_car_is_full_of_balloons
    try the karvonen formula

    you will want to aim for 60-70%
    or you can just do 180 minus age and the subtract another 5 if youre just getting into shape
    dont go above that number and try not to go below 5 of it
    so for a 25 year old getting into shape the range would be 145-150. its similar to karvonen
    if you have an HRM you can actually come close to finding your true maximum heart rate by doing sprints
    you would run 3-5 sprints on the straightaway of a track and see how high it gets. then do your cardio at 60-70% of that
    hope this helps