Benefits of Running

These are some of the benefits of running

1. Improve Your Health
2. Prevent Disease
3. Lose Weight
4. Boost Your Confidence
5. Relieve Stress
6. Eliminate Depression

So this is the simple and easy exercise and gives a great result.


  • zoltanszecsi
    zoltanszecsi Posts: 14 Member
    Most of the people hate running but it is the best exercise.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    One thing I love about running (or walking) is that it can be done almost anywhere at any time and no special equipment is required.
  • TeresaPSJ
    TeresaPSJ Posts: 12 Member
    I love/hate running. I have started and stopped so many times I've lost count! But I do love the feeling of completing a difficult goal, so I'm starting over today to train for my 3rd marathon. I've actually completed 2, but trained for 4; the first one ended a month before the run in a near heat stroke. The third one ended at long run 18 again a month before the run with a fractured hip.

    I've got my fracture over for this year already - broke my arm out running on New Year's Day, so here's to a break free training period! Today's run sucked, but that's the way it goes in hot humid coastal Florida.

    Suck it up, Buttercup! Time to get serious.