Getting bored with food....

I was losing weight and doing well when I was eating my egg sandwich for breakfast and salads for lunch...but I'm bored of them after only doing that for 2 weeks....I'm in a rut now and I've been eating sugary cereal with milk for breakfast and turkey sandwich for lunch. The scale is showing it. Plus all the other crap I've been eating. Does anyone have any easy I mean super easy things to make for breakfast (I do breakfast at work) and fun things to spice up my salads?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I eat the same thing for about two weeks then change too. Right now my salads are avocado, shrimp, tomato, black beans, lettuce, and a laughing cow cheese (for the low calories). I use chalula chipotle sauce as dressing. Takes me about 4 minutes to prep! The only cutting is the tomato and I buy a bag of mixed greens.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I just skip breakfast... But if you don't want to I'll have Low fat or no fat Greek yogurt with berries, banana, nectarine ect. On top. Drizzle that with maple syrup and vanilla extract.

    Other ideas are
    lean turkey breakfast sausage
    Oatmeal with a scoop or two of protein powder
    Pancakes: here's an easy recipe that's high protein. In a blender, 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 egg, handful of nuts (optional). Cook them up in coconut oil, they're delicious.
  • Lukyanenko
    Lukyanenko Posts: 65 Member
    Breakfast or lunch ideas:
    Greek Yoghurt/over night oats/chia seed pudding etc. with nuts and berries
    protein shake (hey, sometimes you're just loking to get some calories)
    Barley in salad is awesome.

  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited June 2015
    Weight loss comes down to calories, math and eating at a deficit. Simple as that. You can continue to eat All the foods you enjoy, you just need to learn how to fit them into your calorie goals. Portion sizes play a big part in this.

    I've lost almost 60lbs, I've been maintaining the loss successfully for over two years now, and I eat all the foods that I like-no boredom here :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I was losing weight and doing well when I was eating my egg sandwich for breakfast and salads for lunch...but I'm bored of them after only doing that for 2 weeks....I'm in a rut now and I've been eating sugary cereal with milk for breakfast and turkey sandwich for lunch. The scale is showing it. Plus all the other crap I've been eating. Does anyone have any easy I mean super easy things to make for breakfast (I do breakfast at work) and fun things to spice up my salads?

    Cereal with milk and turkey sandwiches are fine.
    Cut down on the other foods in your day that are putting you over your calories.
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    Thanks!!! I don't know how my husband can eat a turkey sandwich daily and not get sick of it!! I need to mix up my salads. I have been doing yogurt almost daily. I find that protein is my savior. Cereal and milk don't stick with me long.
  • hstull82
    hstull82 Posts: 116 Member
    I have an open diary if you want to take a peek at the foods I eat....
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm trying to eat veggies with every meal, so I throw the stir-fry frozen pack in with my eggs at work. first heat up 3/4 cup veggies as you are scrambling the 2 eggs, then throw them together and heat for 2 minutes. I'm sure it's even better with shredded cheese but I'm going to wait until I'm tired of this. if you have turkey bacon, throw some in. on the salads, I buy the kits if they are 2 for $5, I've tried almost every flavor, only use half the dressing or even less if the toppings are good. I grill chicken and throw that in there, add avocado if I feel like it. yummo!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have to mix my foods up too. Although I did eat overnight oatmeal every day this week. I also like greek yogurt with fruit or an egg sandwich. Or I grate a squash into a bowl and mix it with 1/2 cup milk and 6 eggs and 1/4 cup shredded cheese. I bake this for about 20 minutes at 350 in muffin tins (makes about 10). My kids love this and you can make a big batch and they keep in the fridge for like 5 days.
  • 50ShadesOfAwkward
    50ShadesOfAwkward Posts: 9 Member
    Salads are easy to keep interesting. Change the proteins, change the toppings, change the dressing. Try new veggies in a salad.

    Breakfast is something I think a lot of people get into a rut about, "must eat breakfast food" but I like to eat left overs for breakfast, I tend to get more protein that way and that helps keep me full (and awake) until lunch.

    I found that packing a lunch that was more grazing than lunch helped. I pack veggies, nuts, cheese cubes, meat, fruit and then I can munch as I go but it's also super easy to change it up day-to-day.
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    oh as my breakfast treat, I make a half pb&j, using all fruit jelly, trying a variety of different breads from whole foods. having my carbs early instead of evening. oh and the salad kits I get are the kale, broccoli, Asian. not the iceberg ones.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Search for recipies online. There's TONS of things out there that are quick, easy and tasty you can make for breakfast. My, I'm happy with my fiber one brownie and G2 for breakfast every day, but that's just me.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am alert to signs of boredom because those are the times when I've fallen off the wagon. When I get bored, I change it up. Last fall I had an abundance of lettuce from my community garden, so it was salad daily. When I switched back to store-bought greens, it just wasn't the same and I found all sorts of reasons to toss the salad rather than eat it. So I had a good think and gave myself a "new vegetable a day" challenge for a week. I blogged the results. Worked for me.

    So through this winter I stuck with winter-hardy vegetables, maybe a little more substantial, like sweet potatoes, carrots, cabbage, that sort of thing. I experimented with different cooking techniques. Really changed it up.

    Now it's spring and I'm in the mood for mason jar salads again.

    For breakfast, try stuff with greek yogurt. Maybe a smoothie now and again. Hot cereals. Chia puddings.

    For lunch, how about leftovers from the night before? Or a wrap?
  • raellehousek
    raellehousek Posts: 9 Member
    Make up waffle batter (whole wheat/hemp seeds) it is good in the fridge for 4 days. Eat it with blueberries. Fills you up until lunch so you don't have to eat too much of it.
  • blwasson73
    blwasson73 Posts: 92 Member
    I mix eggs with veggies and lean protein into muffin tins and bake those. Great to bring to work and quickly reheated.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well...I guess mine is not quite so healthy. I do a peanut butter (1TBL) and banana Sandwich. I usually comes to about 250 calories.

    My day is just is not the same when I run out of bananas.

    Actually yesterday I didn't have a banana so I did a fried egg with a little cheese sandwich.

    Almost forgot...for lunch it is leftovers...usually chicken or a turkey/veggie burger plus whatever vegetables that I have in the frig.
  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    Mini whole wheat bagel (or half a big one)with lox, capers, red onion and light cream cheese. Hardboiled eggs with a squirt of sriracha and a light English muffin with a little butter. Multi grain toaster waffles with fruit spread. Sauteed spinach and mushrooms topped with a fried egg or inside an omelette.
  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    For lunch- gardenburgers on a fold it wrap with lots of different toppings, (veggies, laughing cow wedges, salsa, flavored mustards). Or soup, or cold pasta salad with
    Lots of veggies.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Here's what I've been doing ...

    I go to the grocery store, fresh fruit and veg markets, Asian markets etc. ... and I browse. I look at all the options. I check the calorie content of anything packaged. And then I try stuff.

    Right now, I'm eating a single serve packet of Uncle Ben's brown rice, a package of Steam Fresh veg and a small tin of chicken in springwater.

    Yesterday I had La Zuppa's pumpkin soup with chow mein noodles and the package of Steam Fresh veg.

    The day before I had something similar to what I'm having today only with quinoa and brown rice.

    Monday I had La Zuppa's red lentil soup ...

    Almost always some sort of Steam Fresh Veg, but sometimes I do cous cous, other times quinoa, sometimes brown rice. Sometimes I have the chicken, sometimes I don't. And those La Zuppa soups are great ... low cal and so filling.

    Occasionally I'll have chicken, cucumber and low-fat cheese sandwiches for a day or two.

    But all these ideas I found by browsing the aisles of stores and markets.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you have an egg sandwich you can always change it to things like an egg frittata using mainly egg whites, or an avocado and egg open sandwich (using 1 slice of bread and using the calories from the other bread to have a mashed seasoned avo - its very healthy good fats in it and the fats from it keeps you full for longer, aids with weight loss). Oats are also a good idea.

    I dislike salads, so I tend to try to have stews, soups, casseroles with no carb or salads. Ratatouille is a great stew with no carbs you can make and I have it with a big side of fresh diced cucumber, tomatoes, red onions and coriander/parsley. I love Asian soups as well because they are big on taste and tend to not have too much oil. An example is one or two tsp of sesame oil as a flavouring can add so much flavour and depth to a pot of soup for 6 people.

    Best of all, you can cook up a big batch of these and freeze them in individual portions.

    Or you can try the mason jar system if you're short on time.