Breaking the norm

I did 2 miles today....yay! LOL! I know it might not seem like much too some people, but it is a big accomplishment for me. I looked over my low carb diet nutrition facts for the last couple of days and saw that my cholesterol intake was very high from using whole eggs in my omelettes. Does anyone know if I should really worry about this number or just be proud of the fact that I am not eating bad carbs anymore? I have a binge eating disorder and I am currently working on that with my counselor, but last night I had a bit of a binge in the middle of the night. Of course I immediately felt bad afterwards. Is anyone a binge eater and have any tips for me? I am normally ok throughout the day and stick to my diet, but once nighttime hits I want to eat everything in sight! I am relatively new to this healthy lifestyle thing, this is the second step in the "new me" process. First step was getting clean and staying clean, I have been sober for 11 months. Now I am working on other areas of my health, and my weight and eating disorder just happen to be it!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well let's start with the bad carbs...there is no such thing as bad food...bad carbs included.

    No worries about the eggs.

    Sorry not a binge eater can't help there except to say find a hobby to keep yourself busy...maybe exercise in the evening, knit, crochet, paint etc.

    For me I eat what I want when I moderation. You can see that by my diary.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Go girl, keep up the good work. Do not worry too much about the eggs, your body needs protein. Keep at it, it does get easier, turn the TV off, walk, read a book, do puzzles and go to bed early.
  • browneyedpisces
    browneyedpisces Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the info...I was just worried when my tracker said that my cholesterol was way up high lol. I knew I needed more protein to make up for the no bread and pasta (I am a bread and pasta lover). That was what I meant by bad carbs lol! I usually workout in the morning to avoid the heat of the day, but thinking about joining the local Y here in Ohio to get some other types of exercises in. I do not like to weigh myself at home but I go for my check up next week and am excited to see the scale and what my doctor says cause I already feel clothes fitting a little loose. I do love to read...I will switch up my reading schedule and see if that helps. My problem is I tend to wake up alot at night and just want to eat. I was thinking about putting something on the fridge that says something to the tune of "STOP" lol
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Maybe look at cholesterol as a big picture health thing.

    Some on hear see a carb as a carb, I don't. So I get what you saying about carbs that are bad - bad for you personally, but not someone else. I deal well with 60-80 or so veggie sourced carbs a day. But I also do some higher intensity cardio to burn out glucose for that sole purpose.

    I use egg beaters and also put boiled eggs in my salads. I use two eggs and only one yolk.

    I encourage you to look a few places for nutritional information and get a wide view. Medium Chain Triglycerides are a good read.

    I happen to know my cholesterol numbers. It is because I was working hard to get them below 200 total from 18 months ago.

    Lifting or resistance training will help that. Also research coconut oil and fish oil. It helps you rid yourself of bad cholesterol and raise good. But you need exercise! I did try it, and I eat a normal sensible balance diet. Nothing crazy

    My cholesterol numbers from last month were 124 total, 57 triglycerides, 44 HDL.

    No meds at all. Just good clean veggie carbs, no processed meats and I eat salmon once a week.

    It sounds like you are determined and working hard to get a program that works for you.

    A good physical and blood test is a great fact based starting point

    And I love coconut oil... I am a skeptic on snake oil type things. But I had to admit it helped. When Dr and I looked at my cholesterol numbers he was amazed

    And not that it matters for your question, I reversed my type 2 diabetes in that 18 months.

    Nutrition matters so much. Calories burnt off and total calorie deficit matter. You won't lose weight without it. But if you learn nutrition, you can use food and exercise and change your body a great deal.

    Alcohol is a complication and does cause sugar cravings in many Friends of Bill W.

    That is a separate conversation.

    Best wishes on your journey
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I started this weight loss thing due to high cholesterol as well...I didn't eat any different just less of what I was eating and guess what 60lbs later my cholesterol is great...weight loss helps non genetic cholesterol issues period.

    Again no bad carbs even bread and pastas when eaten in moderation are a great source of energy.

    To lose weight CICO...for health and body comp nutrition...
  • browneyedpisces
    browneyedpisces Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks for all the info professional :smile: I know the sugar cravings all too well lol, but that is another different type of conversation. I am pre-diabetic and have high blood pressure so trying my hardest to not become diabetic like most of my family members. I am going to my doctor next Friday so I will have her run some blood tests. Thanks Sezxy, any advice is appreciated! I don't have many people in my life who support me and can give me advice, so I appreciate any given.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Have you read up on Metabolic Syndrome?

  • browneyedpisces
    browneyedpisces Posts: 8 Member
    No I haven't. Going to look into that right now :smiley:
  • browneyedpisces
    browneyedpisces Posts: 8 Member
    I just read up on it on the Mayo clinic website. It sounds similar to another diagnosis that I have, so I wouldn't be surprised if I have that too. I have PCOS, which is a endocrine related disease. My hormones are all out of whack and I have insulin resistance, which sounds similar to the metabolic syndrome. I was put on metformin to help regulate my insulin and hormone production. Been on it for about 2 months now, but I notice no real difference yet. I imagine it is because until the last week I haven't been serious about getting off my butt lol.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    For me....

    And only me here...

    Once I was in shape enough to do cardio level heart rate exercise along with Fat Burning rate exercise, it started coming together.

    Again, in my case, I needed to mix in short bursts of higher heart rate exercise to burn off more glycogen. Diet alone helped but little bursts of sprints was magic.

    Long term it worked. My A1C went from 8.4 to 5.2

    But it was a full on eat right, exercise, sleep enough, take meds on time regularly, 6 month blood tests.

    You really can do it.

    It is exciting that you are informed and taking charge of your life!

    Yay You!!
  • browneyedpisces
    browneyedpisces Posts: 8 Member