why must junk food taste so good? lol

j3rry85 Posts: 2 Member
I hate that


  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    edited June 2015
    Because if our hunter gatherer ancestors weren't attracted to the highest calorie items we as the human race would of either died off of lack the ability to learn and speak as he do. It's locked in our DNA so best not beat your self up. Try to make good choices because we know we live in a calorie over abundant society fighting the natural order of things. Your suppose to crave that for survival. YouR just not suppose to have access to it 24/7. So conditional moderation is a learned skill, and that's why your here to gain a new skill to fight cravings.
  • baby_firefly_666
    baby_firefly_666 Posts: 192 Member
    Dat's lyf m8
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    i think roasted broccoli tastes really good too
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Because the people that make food try to make it as delicious as possible so you will buy it.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    because it is manufactured and engineered to attract people to the lowest cost product for the highest profit margin regardless of nutritional content.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    incidentally 100% pure beef should in no way be construed as being made from the best cuts of the cow.. in fact I would not be surprised if there were lung, and variouls other Offal cuts (Gullet?) included in the "ground beef" served at many fast food restaurants
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm actually not a huge fan of typical junk food items...i'm kind of a foodie and most prototypical junk food items taste like...well...junk.
  • baby_firefly_666
    baby_firefly_666 Posts: 192 Member
    The more you get used to not eating junk food, you less you'll crave it. You start to not miss it at all when you get yourself into a routine of eating well.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm actually not a huge fan of typical junk food items...i'm kind of a foodie and most prototypical junk food items taste like...well...junk.

    A lot of that foodie stuff is junk too.

    Bacon infused wiskey served w/ maple syrup and a thick bacon as garnish? Junk.

    Foie gras?

    A bag of chips and a candy bar are probably lower in calories and fat than some foodie stuff. Just sayin.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited June 2015
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm actually not a huge fan of typical junk food items...i'm kind of a foodie and most prototypical junk food items taste like...well...junk.

    A lot of that foodie stuff is junk too.

    Bacon infused wiskey served w/ maple syrup and a thick bacon as garnish? Junk.

    Foie gras?

    A bag of chips and a candy bar are probably lower in calories and fat than some foodie stuff. Just sayin.

    well, since the 80s are over and stuff I really don't consider something to be "junk" simply because it is high in dietary fat...nor do I consider calories to define junk. Also, just because I'm a "foodie" doesn't mean I'm sitting around eating Foi gras all day long...or macaroons...or croquembouche. And really, those types of things are generally eaten in very small quantities...not exactly sitting down watching some t.v. and eating some Foi gras because I'm bored...get real.

    by your herp derp definition, my steaming bowl of oatmeal topped with a sunny-side up egg, sliced avocado, and bacon bits and doused with sriracha sauce and garnished with chives is "junk" because it has a fair amount of dietary fat and was pretty high calorie...your herp derp is strong.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm actually not a huge fan of typical junk food items...i'm kind of a foodie and most prototypical junk food items taste like...well...junk.

    A lot of that foodie stuff is junk too.

    Bacon infused wiskey served w/ maple syrup and a thick bacon as garnish? Junk.

    Foie gras?

    A bag of chips and a candy bar are probably lower in calories and fat than some foodie stuff. Just sayin.

    well, since the 80s are over and stuff I really don't consider something to be "junk" simply because it is high in dietary fat...nor do I consider calories to define junk. Also, just because I'm a "foodie" doesn't mean I'm sitting around eating Foi gras all day long...or macaroons...or croquembouche. And really, those types of things are generally eaten in very small quantities...not exactly sitting down watching some t.v. and eating some Foi gras because I'm bored...get real.

    by your herp derp definition, my steaming bowl of oatmeal topped with a sunny-side up egg, sliced avocado, and bacon bits and doused with sriracha sauce and garnished with chives is "junk" because it has a fair amount of dietary fat and was pretty high calorie...your herp derp is strong.

    Did that make your ego feel better, calling me names?
  • ladykate26
    ladykate26 Posts: 1,134 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm actually not a huge fan of typical junk food items...i'm kind of a foodie and most prototypical junk food items taste like...well...junk.

    A lot of that foodie stuff is junk too.

    Bacon infused wiskey served w/ maple syrup and a thick bacon as garnish? Junk.

    Foie gras?

    A bag of chips and a candy bar are probably lower in calories and fat than some foodie stuff. Just sayin.

    well, since the 80s are over and stuff I really don't consider something to be "junk" simply because it is high in dietary fat...nor do I consider calories to define junk. Also, just because I'm a "foodie" doesn't mean I'm sitting around eating Foi gras all day long...or macaroons...or croquembouche. And really, those types of things are generally eaten in very small quantities...not exactly sitting down watching some t.v. and eating some Foi gras because I'm bored...get real.

    by your herp derp definition, my steaming bowl of oatmeal topped with a sunny-side up egg, sliced avocado, and bacon bits and doused with sriracha sauce and garnished with chives is "junk" because it has a fair amount of dietary fat and was pretty high calorie...your herp derp is strong.

    Did that make your ego feel better, calling me names?

    I didn't see any name calling. Just saying.

    I think there must be something addictive in junk food (as in fast food/takeaways) - Palm oil? Still waiting for the cravings to dissipate after abstention.

  • sugaandgrits
    sugaandgrits Posts: 222 Member
    everything bad, we want. cruel, cruel life lol.
  • SherrieTrifle
    SherrieTrifle Posts: 148 Member
    Bliss factor