Ectomorph no more!

Hi all! I'm about to turn 21 and I'm looking to really work on my body over the summer! My goal is to gain about 10 pounds from 180 to 190. I'm in electrical engineering, love sports and all about fitness and nutrition!


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Somatypes have been debunked.

    Enjoy electronics, EMF, semiconductors and that *kitten*. It's great fun that I never use.
  • nathan6424
    nathan6424 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd have to disagree. I think every persons body is a little different especially when it comes to gaining or losing weight. And can be generalized into the three categories.

    Thanks I'll be taking some of the higher level courses next year!