Tips on Eating Less?



  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    If you are getting hungry in between meals, a handful of nuts/seeds usually do the trick for me. Hope this helps.
  • aBlueCrayon
    aBlueCrayon Posts: 120 Member
    hgycta wrote: »
    My biggest tip on eating less (calories) would be eating more (nutrient dense foods). 1,300 calories isn't a whole lot, so I know your struggle - I used to somehow manage on 1,200 and it was awful at first! When you're hungry try to have a big bowl of greens, as they don't have many calories per ounce/gram/whatever you measure in. Also choose leaner cuts of meat (grilled chicken or turkey will become your best friend), but make sure you still are careful with your portions, and keep your focus on the vegetables (without loading them in butter).

    Still treat yourself occasionally, but swap out full fat versions for lower fat. Frozen yogurt instead of regular ice cream, for example, will be a lifesaver! A little piece of high cacao % dark chocolate will also prove more satisfying than milk chocolate. Some powdered hot chocolate mixes are also pretty low in calories and can help kick that sugar/chocolate craving and fill you up since it's mostly water.
    Same goes with regular foods, too. When using milk, cheese, or yogurt, try to keep it lower fat. Don't eliminate fats from your diet, just try to reduce them since they provide more calories per gram.

    For breakfast you could also try mixing one egg with half cup of egg whites for a heavier meal lower in calories.

    Last but not least, if you're still struggling: exercise! Cardio will help you get some extra calories you can eat back, and strength training will help you stay lean and build muscle, which burns more calories per pound of body weight than does fat.

    Good luck, stay healthy! :)

    Good advice, thank you! :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    metric butt tons of nonstarchy vegetables as filler.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about eating much much more low calorie veggies. Examples include green beans, snow peas, spinach, broccoli, romaine, cauliflower, yellow squash, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, eggplant, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, spaghetti squash.
  • bonjourjackie
    bonjourjackie Posts: 27 Member
    Load up on veggies! And make sure that you're getting lots of protein and high fiber stuff.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    I feel stuffed at my deficit. I eat lots of protein from meat, eggs, and fiber from oat bran and veggies.

    If you're craving something weigh it out take into consideration the nutrition info and how it'll fit into your diary. Just seeing that I'll be over my limit or that I won't be getting any nutrition from it makes me able to put whatever it was away.