I just want to be a healthy inspiration for my daughter.

I need to know what to eat. What do you eat regularly. Recipes? What do I need to purchase? Healthy snacks for my elementary school daughter. I don't want her growing up to be overweight. If I can make positive changes in her life now, we'll all reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Please help me.


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Try to stick with mostly unprocessed food: veggies, fruit, meat, dairy. . . you know, real food. Shop on the outside edges of the grocery store where the real food is. As much as possible, try to minimize convenience foods. Nutritious snacks include peanut butter, raw veggies/hummus, all fruit, string cheese, boiled eggs, nuts. Don't demonize any food. . . so an occasional ice cream, chocolate, chips, things you really like are still there on occasion. Kids are developing their lifelong food preferences so this is the ideal time to shape those tastes.
  • IAmAPearl
    IAmAPearl Posts: 35 Member
    You can add me, my diary is open. My kids are 10,5,1
    They all eat what I make/eat

    We eat fruit/veggies all day everyday.
    My 10 year olds lunch is pb&j on wheat, water bottle, carrots or cucumber, and two fruits usually. He LOVES cucumber with chili powder, lime juice, and salt.
    I buy 1 bag of chips for the house a week, and about 25lbs of produce.

  • lindsayloo333
    lindsayloo333 Posts: 4 Member
    I actually just started shopping on the perimeter of the store. I don't know if you have seen the movie, Fed Up, but it is a must see. It changed my whole outlook on food. I just recently switched from canned vegetables to frozen when fresh isn't ideal. What is hummus? I hear about it, but have no clue what it is, or where to find it in the store. What do you eat it with? I'm going to try quinoa instead of pasta in a recipe soon. I hear it's a healthy alternative. Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. :-)
  • lindsayloo333
    lindsayloo333 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome! Thanks. I definitely will add you. My daughter is 5 and a very picky eater. I made tilapia last night, and she barely ate it.
  • IAmAPearl
    IAmAPearl Posts: 35 Member
    We still eat processed foods. Me and my daughter shared a ramen for lunch, and I used a can of cream of mushroom for dinner. And rice. I just didn't eat either because I would rather have a bowl of cereal.
    My strategy with pickiness with my kids is you eat what I make or you can wait until the next meal. I don't give substitutions, and I don't push.
    It's their job to decide how much, and mine to decide of what.

    And hummus is like a dip. It's garbanzo beans and tahini(I think that's how you say it) which is a sesame seed paste. It's good. But its also easy to eat a whole container so I don't buy it.

    My big tip is to buy what you want to eat for the week. I buy 1 bag of chips for example. If they eat it all Monday night, that's cool, because when they're hungry on Tuesday they only have an apple or yogurt to choose from.
  • lindsayloo333
    lindsayloo333 Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks so much for the feedback, ladies!