my daily weightloss journey.

Hi. Im Mary. Ive joined a weightloss challenge with a goal to lose 75#. I am also challenging myself to get up to walking 10000 steps a day. Today i think i will have logged approximately 4000 steps. Have a ways to go but will get up there. Im going to use blogging as my support system and as my accountability. Hoping to find some people to help keep me accountable. Thanks. I started this weightloss journey at 203#. My next weigh in is on tuesday morning. If you want accountability and would like to help me and or join me..feel free. Also add me on facebook.


  • gardenrose4200
    gardenrose4200 Posts: 7 Member
    Well. Didnt get on here everyday. Working nights. Sucks...makes it hard to eat properly and exercise enough. Have been meeting my goal of eating less. Been doing my herbalife shake routine during week. Even with a cheat of having a cold small slice of pizza at work and 1 donut hole i am down 3.6# in a week. Its hard to find motivation to get out and exercise but im glad to see my weight headed in right direction. I just at this point want to break thr 199/200 mark. I am at 200 now...