Breaking up calories

I just wanted to know how ya'll break up your calories thoughout the day. Like how many do you do for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I'm currently eating 1200 a day and not really planning out my calories, just eating whatever i have left for dinner but I'd like to be more consistent.


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    What one person does won't necessarily work for you so it's kind of irrelevant. If you must know I spread out a good part of my calories through three meals but if I eat more on one meal it's typically lunch. If I have a ton of calories remaining after dinner I will kill some of them before bed.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Why don't you pre-log a bit and see what works for you? If you know you like at least "x" amount of calories for dinner to keep you full, you can work your day around that.