Losing Confidence.

aBlueCrayon Posts: 120 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
After asking some questions about my diary in the forums, I got some good feedback that inspired me to want to go out and buy some healthy meals and a cookbook as well as possibly even a food scale tomorrow.

Now I have even more nutrition questions, so I'm a bit doubtful because I don't know exactly what my personalized goals should be everyday. For the entire month of July I will be traveling internationally so I'm afraid this will be a short-term wasted effort. On top of that, I've never lost or felt the need to lose weight before, so this is my first time giving a serious go (my aim is roughly 15-20 pounds).

I'm feeling totally insecure. I don't have money to waste on the wrong food or a cookbook that I won't follow because no one around me at home supports me. My family is giving me stern tones and disapproving opinions. I'd love to prove them wrong, but I also don't want to hear them jeering at any wasted effort.

Wishing I could rid myself of these negative voices, but unfortunately for now I'm stuck with them. So MFP, maybe you can help me drown them out with positive encouragement, support, and/or suggestions? I could use some good friends at this time!!

Thank you in advance to anyone offering their help!

A Despairing College Student


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Take the food scale with you when you travel, if you're going to be doing any cooking while abroad.

    Otherwise, just try to log everyday the things you eat. Getting into the habit of logging will carry over for when you return, to which you can begin using your food scale.

    Really, it's not as hard or time consuming as you think.

    Just start with logging your normal everyday foods and fitting them into your calorie goal.
  • aBlueCrayon
    aBlueCrayon Posts: 120 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Take the food scale with you when you travel, if you're going to be doing any cooking while abroad.

    Otherwise, just try to log everyday the things you eat. Getting into the habit of logging will carry over for when you return, to which you can begin using your food scale.

    Really, it's not as hard or time consuming as you think.

    Just start with logging your normal everyday foods and fitting them into your calorie goal.

    I've managed to log my food intake for over a month already and I plan to continue doing so.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Try websites like cleaneatingmag and skinnytaste for some recipes to try to cut some calories from your meals without having to pay for a cookbook. Buy some foods that are healthier for you that you know you will eat, but won't go to waste if you don't eat them in a few days. Try making healthier choices each day and continue to log your food. Have a great time on your trip!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I traveled a lot. I found it helpful (and this is me - not suggesting it's right for everyone!!!) to have a set of guidelines when I'm away. It almost doesn't matter what they are as long as it helps you negotiate the choices. So mine were, for instance, boiled or poached eggs and fruit for b'fast; lunch was raw veggies and protein with a dressing on the side, dinner was...well I forget... but you get the point.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Don't worry about a cookbook. I just got rid of a bunch of mine. Not necessary when you have the internet.

    I would not make crazy radical changes. Buy foods you like and go from there. Try different ways of preparing chicken. Look for interesting spices to try to jazz up your veggies.

    I don't buy any "diet" food other than protein bars for snacking. Everything else I buy is just normal ordinary stuff.

    You won't regret the food scale though.
  • TSPZ
    TSPZ Posts: 7 Member
    I found significant health and weight improvements with the eat right for your blood type book.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Relax. There's not really "wrong" food. Try to hit your calorie goal, your macros, with what you have. Anyway, even if you can only weigh and make your own food for a short amount of time, it will give you a better idea of how to maintain, and possibly lose, while you travel. Logging food just completely opens your eyes.
  • sarahtay1209
    sarahtay1209 Posts: 5 Member
    First, have an amazing trip! I went to Germany a couple of years ago. Germany, land of amazing beer, amazing pastries and amazing sausages! I fully expected to gain all the weight back that I had lost but almost fell off my scale when I got back and had only gained a pound or two (which could have been due to water retention from the flight). What I found, in Germany at least, is there was less processed foods more whole, natural foods and people WALK EVERYWHERE, either to reach a destination or just for enjoyment! And the hills (mountains), oh the hills (sheer cliffs!). It's easy to stay on track when burning outrageous calories!
    Second, if your family isn't as supportive as they could be, find support elsewhere. Feel free to follow me, hit up others. Everyone here is benefitting from the same support.
    The best advice I can give is follow the advice that is positive and healthy and totally ignore the rest. The source of the advice doesn't matter, the message does.
    Best o luck!
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Second everyone who says "no wrong foods" and "the internet is your cookbook."

    I totally do this. I look in my fridge and see what's in there. Then I go ask the internet what I can make with that stuff. You may have a couple failed experiments, but once you get a feel for your own preferences and skills, you'll be a wiz.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I haven't tried to look to see what I can make with what I have.. i'll have to see what that is about, that sounds awesome.

    If you track, and eat smaller portions.. you can still eat all of the foods. It is especially hard while traveling and not having your own food. All you have to do is be aware of what you are eating. So LOG everything.. no matter what, so you get a feel of how much you are eating. From there, do adjustments. Little steps.. if you change all at once, it's not going to work.

    DO NOT GIVE UP. Whatever you do.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Honestly theres no need to feel disheartened or insecure, you need to just be friends with yourself. Losing weight is straightforward, so dont put pressure on yourself and just accpet whats happening. You are going to eat a bit less and move a bit more than you used to. Ideally you will be at a deficit, veayse if you are consistent at that you will lose. The fear and the stress creatd in your own mind is the thing that undermines you and not the difficulty of dieting.

    I wouldnt let it spoil your holiday. You have enough time to plan and get into a routine learning how to log your food, what you might eat and weighing it. You cna also move a bit more go for a walk or swim each day or do an online vid for 30 mins +. Dont complicate and dont make it bigger than it is. Logging just helps you understand what you are eating and which contains what calories etc.

    What they said small steps no wrong foods, loads of free info available. If you list down all your worries youll see everyone else deals with them and they arent so scary. Start changing your mindset to you will and you can its not if but when.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    log your foods. try and make healthy choices at times and feel free to eat something that looks fantastic.
    chances are you are going to be moving a lot more while you are there. so consider that as well. when you wake up, do 30 min of exercise. and if you want, do a 30 min video-like yoga for sleep. then you might sleep better as well.