Hi everyone

i currently weigh between 340-360 (my scale seems to change weight every time even if I stand on it five consequitive times) I've been overweight all my life. I remember being 160 at 12. So it's not exactly a lifestyle choice. I was about 250 when I got pregnant with my first child and got put on bedrest at 16. So I went all the way up to 329 by the end of my pregnancy. That was 4 years ago so really I've been doing pretty decent maintaining that weight even though I'm 10-20 over that. I had a baby recently that is 4months old. So I have a hubby a 4month old a four year old a puppy and am a stay at home mom. Constantly exhausted with little to no energy. I don't have much energy to cook either. I suppose imA try to start taking my depression meds again and see if that's part of having no energy. Any ideas on what helps booste energy? I'm just exhausted. Getting up at 7 and going constantly taking care of the house and kids is just killing me slowly. I know I need to lose weight but Idk I don't feel like I eat too much and even though it's not always healthy since i don't have energy to cook I don't feel like I should be so heavy. :( im doomed. Anyway figured I'd restart in this group


  • AliJo90
    AliJo90 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm always tired myself, but it's a combination of things for me.

    You might find regular exercise helps with energy. Round the kids up and go for a walk if you can. Sunshine usually does wonders. Eating healthier has helped me some as well.

    As for not feeling you eat much, I get that. Most of the time I felt like I hardly ate but still gained or maintained. Weighing, measuring, and counting calories of literally everything made me realize how easy it is to over consume. If you find you aren't over consuming calories and still not losing I'd suggest talking to a doctor. Might help either way!