
Hi ladies need some help please, brought fitbit 6 weeks ago and not losing weight at all! Feel like giving up on fitbit :( im 5ft 7 and weigh 10.8 and trying to get to 10 stone! Have tried going from 1200 calories to 1800 calories, i walk 10 miles per day and just started doing interval training! What am i doing wrong? Im always between 800-1000 calorie deficit every day! I lost 7 stone without exercise easily :) thanku all


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    You've upped your calories significantly, are you gaining? And are you certain you're logging correctly? If you are at that significant of a deficit there's no reason (that I see with the info provided) why you shouldn't be losing so... maybe you're losing inches not muscle right now?
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Hi thanku for replying to me, i log everythin i eat! I have only had 2 days at the increased calories as i was told im under eating, i was literally exercising myself into exhaustion! If i dont achieve 10 miles per day i feel lazy :( im also using lesley sansone walking dvd! Im not losing cms neither! So frustrating, i worked out on a bmi calculator i need 1430 calories a day as basic, i burn 3000-3500 every day
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Are you weighing ALL your food on a food scale?
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Im also gaining either 1/2 lb or staying the same, i did hit target of 10.6 about 6 weeks ago then brought fitbit and thats when my problems started :(
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Absolutly, i weigh sauces! Never go over on sugar or fat, i have a high protein diet and low carbs also
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    can you open your diary?
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I think its on open, im new to mfp but i shall have a look now, thanku
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I have set it to public
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    i see some serving sizes entrees and cups etc
    And entrees like 1 medium apple etc

    It makes a difference when you do that.

    you have to weigh EVERYTHING to know how much calories you really eat
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Thats mainly veg and fruit, so should i stick to weighing them also?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Sounds a little like your chopping and changing what your doing too often. Not giving it time.

    Your talking about doing higher calories for two days? What made you change? 2 days isn't enough time to see results.

    Also how did a fit bit cause you issues? What changed in your eating and exercise from pre to post Fitbit.

    Maybe I missed it but it sounds like you were losing, bought a fit bit and stopped losing. Did you start exercising more. Eating more? Eating exercise calories back?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    yes everything :)
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    besides that and you dont have much to lose so it will go slow :)
    so give it time also

    But yes weigh everything. You will be surprised about how wrong a serving sizes can be.
    I had cheesecake some time ago.
    210 calories said the label 46 gram
    I weigh the piece and it was much more ( 253 calories!)

    So yes weigh all your food
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Thats mainly veg and fruit, so should i stick to weighing them also?

    Some fruit and veg are high in calories. It a adds up,

    And your medium Apple may be much different than my medium Apple.
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Before fitbit i was very inactive as i was recovering from a hysterectomy :( soon as i got fitbit i went straight to 10000 steps and have increased to 30- 40000 every day, thats including 5k lesley sansone dvd, started 30 day shred tuesday but very sore so will only be doing that 2x a week!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Before fitbit i was very inactive as i was recovering from a hysterectomy :( soon as i got fitbit i went straight to 10000 steps and have increased to 30- 40000 every day, thats including 5k lesley sansone dvd, started 30 day shred tuesday but very sore so will only be doing that 2x a week!
    I hear increase exercise can cause your body to retain water when you start. Give it time. Watch your sodium etc
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Do you wear your fitbit all day, or just during steady-state cardio? You have like 1400 - 1800 exercise calories logged on some days, I'd have to do intense cardio for 3 or 4 hours to burn that many calories. What exercises are you actually doing, and for how long are you doing them?
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I did do slimmimg world untill 6 weeks ago as i couldnt eat as much fruit n veg as was required, i only eat berries and apples for fruit and thats mainly breakfast and morning snack for apple! Thanku all for ur help :)
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    My fitbit is on all day, i walk to town and back daily and thats 2 miles, i do the 5k lesley sansone or biggest loser for an hour, the rest is walking and jogging on the spot, i get 3 hours active mins a day