New here


I have been on MFP for one month already, but did not really followed the community here: I was solely focus on the food and exercise tracking part of it. However, today I read some brilliant posts and was tempted to contribute with my experiences, so I though it would be a good idea to introduce myself first :)

My name is Pablo, from Spain. I was always on the sedentary side but was doing good in terms of weight control; it seems that as years go by, that is not enough, so I decided to try to do something before it gets more difficult! During this last month I started controlling a little bit better my food intake and started exercising as well: mostly stationary bike, running and some home workouts with dumbells, and I am quite happy so far, loosing 4 kgs in 4 weeks, and just 2 kgs shy on my goal (wish me luck!). Now I'll need to focus on maintain weight and improving my fitness, so I presume I'll be around MFP for quite a long time!