Starting Over....

itsemdavis Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to MFP, I started 5 days ago...excited though!!! I have always loved an upbeat, happy, positive life but struggled with weight. It runs in the family :( I lost about 55 lbs in 2012 which put me at my goal but due to surgery on my foot and having to take steroid mess to heal I have gained it all back :( so here I go again.......but so glad I have you all to share in this and help us keep each othe me motivated!!!!! :)
So if you are upbeat, and looking for more positive energy and motivation to be sent your way...add me as a friend!!
Let's do this! We got it!! :)



  • PersistentPresence
    PersistentPresence Posts: 35 Member
    lovin the positivity!!! keep it up!! i know all about regressing after surgery, but WE CAN DO IT!!!