I want to become half a man. Help!

First up, please excuse the sparseness of my profile, it's 4am and I have only just joined you all. I shall be brief in this, my first post.
I want to lose 1/3 of my body weight. I am 330 lbs now (23St 10#) and I want to get to roughly 220#-230# (to start with) . I aim to use a paleo diet and increase my energy output over time. I have a few minor ailments that stop excessive exercise but that doesn't mean I cant do something at all.
I used to do a lot of high energy exercise but due to illness I can't any more. I let things slip by not adapting my diet and now I have gone from 18 stone of muscle to 23.5 stone of not-muscle in 10 years. I now want to go the other way over the next 12 months or so.
So, as time goes on I'll pad things out. But for now... Any ideas, suggestions tips? I am willing to listen and learn.
Thanks for your time and HAND.