please visit my diary page, positive criticism please



  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I would suggest as others have said about bumping up the calories a little bit. I also noticed that you tend to have the bulk of your calories around dinner time....about 500-600. How are you feeling after dinner? If you're feeling ok up until bed time then maybe you could add some additional calories in the moring and lunch time. So if you did roughly 500 calories 3 x day maybe you wouldn't constantly be feeling hungry and week. Play around with it. Nothing is set in stone. I like to say the best diet is the one you can stick with. We all want to lose weight but we also don't want to be too aggressive and quit either.

    I'm doing between 1200-1300 calories. I don't have it set in stone. If I'm a little bit hungrier a particular day then I bump it up a little bit. There are days where I've have 1350 but as long as I'm still losing weight consistently I don't worry about it. I exercise almost everyday for 30 min. It doesn't give me a lot of extra calories but it does help. I started out with only 300 calories for breakfast but then I noticed I had a difficult time making it until lunch so I now do 400 calories (roughly) at each meal. Its actually helped a lot. My point around with it and add some calories to your day if you need to. I bet you'll still lose weight. But the key is to NOT make yourself'll never last on a diet that way.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey there, I have been eating 1200 ish calories for few days but feel really sluggish and nauseous. I am 5.2'' and weigh 80 kilos ( 176 pounds). Almost sedentary , 27 yr old and mother to an almost 2 yr old. Can you also suggest the calories I should be eating?

    No diet type is good or bad. We can't tell you what you should or should not be eating.

    If you feel sluggish and nauseous, you should probably be (1) eating more than 1200 ish calories and (2) paying a visit to your doctor.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mess with your macro ratios...Jack up the protein and reduce the fat. Lower fat diets allow you to eat more because of the caloric difference between a fat and a carb/protein. Its not exclusively about deficit....especially if you aren't losing the weight or making your goals.

    I am not suggesting that IS the answer, but it's trial/error for every person on you gotta make changes until you see that scale drop or what is the point?

    When it comes to weight loss, it is about deficit.

    When it comes to nutrition, it is about macros balance.

    You can lose weight on poor nutrition, just like you can gain weight on good nutrition.

    That said, the OP has lost 10 kg, so eating more will probably fix the low energy.