Loosing before Trying to Conceive



  • josyk7
    josyk7 Posts: 34 Member
    I have about 50 lbs to lose and hoping it helps me conceive as I went through fertility and nothing beside's alot of weight gain.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I hope it helps! I started using the one I have again now that I had my "wake up call" and also want to be in shape to have another baby!

    Take care and good luck! ; )
  • AnderMama88
    AnderMama88 Posts: 49 Member
    I am getting married at the end of September, and we are going to start trying soon after! I have lost 45 lbs so far, and need to lose about 45 more to feel like I am healthy enough for pregnancy! Fingers crossed, I will have less than 20 to lose after we get married so we can get our little family going!! :) This is really the best motivation ever.
  • jessicasarle
    jessicasarle Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you ladies. We're getting married August and going to start trying for baby #2 in September. I've just entered a healthy BMI range but still have 15 lbs to lose to reach my goal. I really want to start this pregnancy healthy vs the first pregnancy. Went into it 30 lbs overweight then I acted like I was eating for 6 instead of 2. Nice to see so many others with the same mindset.
  • jcdeboer
    jcdeboer Posts: 8 Member
    I'm hoping to lose as much as possible before starting to try for #2, probably in about 6 months. I'm already a good 20-25 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with my 2-year-old son, but I would rather be a lot lighter/healthier going into the second pregnancy that I was going into the first.
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Trying to lose for baby #1. It seems impossible right now, but I am not going to give up just yet.
  • foxylady522
    I'm in the same boat as you ladies. We're getting married August and going to start trying for baby #2 in September. I've just entered a healthy BMI range but still have 15 lbs to lose to reach my goal. I really want to start this pregnancy healthy vs the first pregnancy. Went into it 30 lbs overweight then I acted like I was eating for 6 instead of 2. Nice to see so many others with the same mindset.

    I also thought I was eating for 6! LOL I had lost 55 pounds then gained it all back during pregnancy :( Now I'm back to trying to lose that same weight so we can be successful in having another. We have not prevented in 7 months. I hate PCOS!
  • GAB219
    GAB219 Posts: 27 Member
    Me too! Our son will be 3 in August and will probably try for baby # 2 after September (maybe). I've lost 10lbs so far and I'm hoping to for another 10lbs. The first 7 months of pregnancy were great and I was not gaining too much weight, I made sure I didn't but I was already overweight in first place. However, at 34 weeks and 2 days I suddenly had super imposed preeclampsia. Had to deliver via c-section at exactly 35 weeks. I'm hoping hoping that won't happen again but hypertension runs in the family :( I lost all the baby weight and more after 8 weeks, I was ecstatic. However, stress from being a first time mom, full time work, and preparing for relocation made me dried up and couldn't breastfeed any longer. After I stopped, the weight crept up and up. I'm really going to be very careful next time :) Good luck everyone!
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Me! I'm getting married next year and we are going to start trying right after. So I would like to lose weight for the wedding and for getting pregnant. I have at least 50 pounds to lose.

    Me too. I'm at 250 now and I'd like to be at 160 for my wedding in August (2014). Then, BABY TIME!!! Aha! :)
  • teenymcbeany
    teenymcbeany Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck to everyone! You can do it!!! For me having a 2nd baby was a good motivator.

    I went into pregnancy #1 at 213 pounds (I am 5'2.5"). I did pretty well only gaining about 17 pounds (up to 230). I came home from hospital back at pre-pregnancy weight, but then with the stress of first baby (and difficult baby) shot right back to 230.

    We knew we wanted to start thinking about another before long, so I got serious. I lost 50 pounds and got down to 179-180 when we got pregnant with #2 when #1 was 10 months old.

    I didn't do so well during the 2nd pregnancy (gained about 40 pounds), back up around 220. I still have 15 pounds to go from where I was when I got pregnant with #2. So that is my first goal, and after that I hope to keep plugging away to get back into a healthy BMI. Now I have my 2 beautiful little girls who motivate me :)
  • l0velife1
    l0velife1 Posts: 158 Member
    My original goal when I started getting healthy was to get healthy for my forst pregnancy and that was back in January. We decided to start trying this Sept/Oct after we finish up P90x and I get down another 16 or so pounds. Kind of nervous because everyone elses goal reward is cool like new wardrobes... Mine is a baby where I have to buy a wardrobe as I grow again. I feel like I'll be buying new jeans for no reason :)
  • FauxBoho
    FauxBoho Posts: 30 Member
    I'm losing before my upcoming wedding in march 2014. We are going to start trying on our honeymoon so Im also losing for a healthy pregnancy :)
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    ME! I went on fertility meds for about a year and my doctor told me I got too fat, so I have to lose about 10 more pounds before I can start another round! I have 1 and I am already 10 pounds lighter than when I got pregnant with him, but still up 10 pounds from after I had him (I had terrible morning sickness and ended up almost 20 pounds less after having him) due to stress of a new baby and losing my mom 10 days before he was born. So I need these 10 pounds to fall off fast, so my doctor will work with me again! :) Who doesnt LOVE PCOS!!! Whoever wants to be friends, just send me a request! I would love to motivate and be motivated in return!!! We got this!
  • fl0_j0
    fl0_j0 Posts: 4 Member
    Me Too! I need to lose atleast 20 lbs by August. I have a wedding to attend and we will be trying to conceive around that time for baby #3. I don't want to look like a huge marshmellow :) I actually want to have a toned baby bump! I swear my fat is so stubborn. I've been working out for about 5 weeks and have only lost 1 lb :grumble:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member

    I may change my mind when I'm all svelte and stuff, but that's the plan :laugh:
  • shimmer615
    shimmer615 Posts: 55
    Me! I'm needing to lose about 75lbs before I try for the third and possibly last. Two beautiful boys, ages 2 and 6, and I just need to get healthier in general. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been right now, and even though I was overweight with the 2 previous and healthy pregnancies, I know that I am not ok with bringing another one into the world at this weight. Hoping to reach this goal at the beginning of 2014 so we can start trying again!

    Wanted to add that I also need friends to help motivate me! :)
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    One of the reasons I am trying to get healthy is so husband and I can start a family. We're not in a big rush to have our first child so there's no deadline or anything - just want to raise a healthy family.
    Anyone in the same boat can feel free to add me. :smile:
  • bloombabe25
    im new to this but im in the same boat, i lost just over 2 stone and fell pregnant with my daughter who is now 2. We would love to add to our family but loosing weight is so hard! I also have pcos and its just a constant battle for both weight loss and trying to concieve.
    from november 2012 to may 2013 i have managed to loose 13lbs but seem to have hit a wall. so i found mfp and here i am!
    its just nice to find other people in the same situation!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Yes! I bought the book "What to Expect Before You're Expecting" so my husband and I would have a decent knowledge of how to create the healthiest environment for pregnancy. And losing weight is a biggie. I'm 1 point into the overweight BMI scale. I know BMI doesn't account for muscle mass, but I do have excess fat lbs that I need to lose, so it's probably pretty accurate for me.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Yes. I've been wanting baby #2 badly for the past 3 years. My daughter will be 5 in September, and never in a million years did I think there would be such a large age gap between her and a sibling. I actually wanted to lose weight for my Sister-in-law's wedding in October, but then hubby said that if I got down to 155 lbs (211 is mt starting weight), then we could try for another baby. So my motivation has doubled two-fold. I just started last Monday (June 11), and so far I'm doing good and feeling very positive, which is more than I can say about my previous half-hearted attempts.

    Feel free to add me!