getting discouraged



  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited June 2015
    I just seam yoo be losing weight really slow and im losing interest, im bout to just give up and start eating junk food again, my diary is open but go back to last week for my entries to c if im doing anything wrong thanks

    Check this out. My family is ordering pizza for a fun night while watching a game. I love pizza, BUT not enough to wreck my progress. Plus it has no nutritional value. Yeah it taste good lol but my family know I have reached the point of saying no for me☺ Think of you. You will never reach the end of tunnel giving in. Hang on.

    You won't wreck your progress. It's a rare treat for me and it hasn't wrecked my progress. (granted, I've probably only ordered it 5 times in -59 pounds) You're allowed to have a life outside of weight loss.

    If it's not worth the calories to you, fine, but don't martyr yourself.

    Edit: And no nutritional value? Nah son. Lycopene, calcium, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    18 lbs in 30 days is "really slow"?

    Wow... guess I need a reality check. Compared to my measly 1 lb a week, I must be going slower than a snail...

    Seriously? You should probably reset your expectations and goals.

  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Agreed. I would LOVE to lose 18 pounds in 30 days.

    (But I like food, so...I'll take it slow as long as it comes off.)
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    You have the wrong mindset, you can never “go back to“, that’s what got you here in the first place. Other people here have already given good advice. So I will just say it’s up to you to keep yourself motivated, although motivated friends do help. Try different things, different exercises, try to better yourself. If your walking 1 mile a day try for 2 miles, try bike riding. Join a gym, see how other people are doing it. Make new friends at the gym, they are usually motivated people. Try different foods and recipes, you may find something that you like and is within your calorie budget. Variety is the spice of life. Unfortunately, it does take time and most people are not prepared for that and set unrealistic goals.
    Don’t look back, think about the new person you going to be when you achieve your goals!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    You ate 300 calories worth of pringles for breakfast. Imagine replacing those with 150g of fresh sliced carrots (around 50-60 calories). If you did that every day you would lose almost 2 extra lbs a month. Just think of how badly you want it; don't use food as a punishment or victimize yourself. The only person you're hurting when you eat is yourself, so just try to think positively.