looking for fitness buddies in San Antonio TX

Im getting ready to start Dr. Mark Hymans 10 day detox. Hoping to find a couple people to do it with me or work out with.


  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I did it last year and made it seven days, LOL! Have to pass this funny/weird story on. I had headaches for days on this, probably from eliminating caffeine. Just when I thought I was okay with no more sugar cravings, on about day 4, I made stir fried brown rice, veggies and chicken breast for dinner one night. I shook soy sauce all over it. Woke up with a horrible headache and sugar cravings. Guess what? Soy sauce is filled with sugar. Just when you think you know a lot about food, ingredients and nutrition. I was absolutely shocked. Anyway, just wanted to pass this on so you don't make the same mistake I did. Good luck with the detox!