1 week weight loss journey

I've only been on my journey for a week now but for the whole week I've been eating right and only eating as many calories and carbs as I'm supposed to, but instead of losing I've gained 3 pounds. I just don't understand because before I would eat whatever and however much unhealthy junk food I wanted.. I feel like now that I'm not I should be losing weight..i got some ideas from the source do you have Any ideas why this is happening?
source http://tinyurl.com/weightloss-flatbelly-challenge


  • myweightloss2016
    myweightloss2016 Posts: 147 Member
    Uhm.. maybe it's water weight.. fruits and stuff contain a lot of water, maybe it's because you started eating more in calories.. you can eat like crap and still eat little calories, maybe it's because you started exercising.. Maybe you ate too much salty stuff.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Are you measuring all your food with a food scale?

    Logging absolutely everything?