5 ft 2, 195 lbs I got questions I would like Ansewerd lol!

Ok I'm 22yo 5'2 and 195 pounds. I have2 kids a soon to be 2 year old ad a 2 month old
I'm below my pre pregnancy weight. But question is.
Has any one lost weight using mfp with very little exersize? I find my self
So busy with my babies I don't have much time to always get a good work out in.
So has Anyone gotten results with very little to no exersize?

Thank you!!

P.s I've only been on mfp a week now :-)


  • I can only suggest that you get the 30 Day Shred dvd. It's only 27 minutes long and a lot of people get excellent results from it. You could easily fit in 27 minutes of excercise while the kids are asleep! Good luck! :smile:
    *edit* you can buy it on Amazon for £5
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    You will lose weight without exercise so long as you eat less than your TDEE. That being said, I recommend you find time to exercise! Plenty of people in your situation with young children plus full time jobs, school, etc make time for exercise. If nothing else, you can exercise while your kids are taking a nap!

    Good luck!
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I'm the same height as you and I've been at the same weight as you more than once. Starting on MFP you can use the calorie intake parameters and NOT do a lot of exercise and lose weight, but I suggest really watching what you eat and staying within the 1,200 calories allotted for the day. Also, when it comes to exercise simply walking works. Can you take your kids for a walk in the stroller? Sometimes that was the only way I was going to get any kind of exercise in. I have two kids, too and I know how taxing it can be with time and trying to work on yourself at the same time. It seems nearly impossible. I want to wish you good luck on your journey and I hope you find a plan that works best for you. I've found the forums quite helpful at answering any questions I have.
  • Thanks y'all I do work out just not every day. I do mostly yoga. And I'll walk 3 times a week outside.
    I get exersize cleaning as well lol. Always on my feet. But usally when Kids asleep I do laundry. But just wanted to know if anyone has got results is all. I have started a 30 day challenge by the way so I hope it goes well ! Thanks to everyone!
  • malery06
    malery06 Posts: 61 Member
    I can only suggest that you get the 30 Day Shred dvd. It's only 27 minutes long and a lot of people get excellent results from it. You could easily fit in 27 minutes of excercise while the kids are asleep! Good luck! :smile:
    *edit* you can buy it on Amazon for £5

    its on youtube for free
  • I'm the same height as you and I've been at the same weight as you more than once. Starting on MFP you can use the calorie intake parameters and NOT do a lot of exercise and lose weight, but I suggest really watching what you eat and staying within the 1,200 calories allotted for the day. Also, when it comes to exercise simply walking works. Can you take your kids for a walk in the stroller? Sometimes that was the only way I was going to get any kind of exercise in. I have two kids, too and I know how taxing it can be with time and trying to work on yourself at the same time. It seems nearly impossible. I want to wish you good luck on your journey and I hope you find a plan that works best for you. I've found the forums quite helpful at answering any questions I have.

    Thank you!! :-) yes it is demanding bc my oldest doesn't nap everyday. And I'm strictly brest feeding my
    Daughter and she feeds on demand. So it's not as easy as people think it would be to squeez In a workout everyday. I try
    My hardest tho. My husband is always buisy gone from 6am till 6-8pm. So it's a on my own thing! Lol but thank you for
    Your comment it helps :-). Expecily having no support system in my life other than this. It hurts not having
    Family support so I thank you.!
  • happpyhappyjoyjoy
    happpyhappyjoyjoy Posts: 44 Member
    I do understand what it's like to have little kids and try to get in some exercise. It's been my experience that you will still lose weight but it might be a little slower. The weight will come off pretty good in the beginning (for me anyway) but then exercise will become more important to get the stubborn pounds off. When I was pretty heavy (I was 255, and I'm 5ft 1 1/2 now I'm down 110 pounds but have 15 more to go) I would lose about 20 pounds before I would even think of exercising. I'm not saying that was a good idea just what I would do. One easy way (if the kids will tolerate it) is when you go to the store or anywhere with the stroller or shopping cart is to do one final lap of the store before you go. I still do this. :smile: Hang in there!
  • kip2kip
    kip2kip Posts: 3
    I am the same height as you, have about 30lbs to lose, work full time and have a very demanding (but gorgeous!!) young family. By the time I have worked, played, cooked and kept on top of the house work I flop in to bed most days without even having looked in a mirror. It's not conducive to feeling good about yourself. For a long time I couldn't summon an ounce of energy for exercise and when I did my family ALWAYS interrupted or needed something.

    About 6 months ago I started setting my alarm for 5am so that I could get up and have an hour of the day just for me. I started off by just enjoying a cup of coffee and reading the news but now I have started fitting 30ds in to that time too. I can't admit to always being pumped and ready to go but it is helping. It's also not glamorous...I literally work out in my pyjamas and have broken the head off a my little pony that I jumped on while doing an star jump.

    I also track everything I eat on MFP. I have a long way to go but the better days are beginning to out number the bad. Good Luck on your journey:)
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    Yes you can lose weight without exercising, as I lost my first around 50lbs without adding in exercise that didn't come with my usual days work(that's very little). I would strongly suggest finding some way to get in some strength training as the result with just eating under your calories isn't that great appearance wise.
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm 5'2 too and I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old.You will loss weight as long as you ate in a deficit. ..but its always better to workout and 3 times a week is pretty good.My honey usually gets home around 6 and then I take off for my walk.its a nice way to destress from my kiddos after being home with them all day.dont get me wrong, I love my kids to death but those terrible twos take a toll lol.If you breastfeed, I would just pump some beforehand and tell your honey to take over for an hour.I do workout videos too and yes I have to stop a million times but I manage somehow to get through it.Good luck with everything :)
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    You have two kids - a toddler and a baby - don't worry about exercise for now. Do the best you can. The important thing is lowering your food intake/calories. Between b'feeding and chasing down a two year old, I'm sure you're getting some amount of calories burned.

    I understand you don't really have time for yourself, what with your husband gone for moist of the day and not having a family support system. My advise is, when you are up to it, find moms like you nearby and set up your own support system - you watch my kids today for two hours, and I'll watch yours tomorrow.
  • Thank you all! You are all so very kind. I am tearing up! I am so glad I joined mfp. The support
    Is so amazing and y'all's stories inspiring. I have alot more going on in my life I won't talk about. That inter fears
    With me being able to have me time. But thank y'all for your kind words and support! Thank you a million!
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