Breast feeding and weight gain/loss

I am 11 weeks postpartum. I initially lost about 20 pounds in the first few weeks but have plateud with the last 15. I don't think I was eating enough calories so I have upped to around 2100 a day. I am active...I teach dance and also run a few times a week, but in the last two weeks I have gainned a few pounds. I am so discouraged. I always feel hungry and I am trying to eat healthy real foods. Any advice appreciated! Is it possible to not be getting enough calories and gain weight?


  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    I know it's so frustrating losing weight after baby. Can you start some exercising? Maybe put baby in the stroller and go for walks or some Jillian michaels DVDs? I was having a convo with my husband last night and after my first I was doing Jillian michaels religiously and got to my goal weight pretty fast. He said I looked amazing so that said something....going to start jm again Monday:) don't fret too much though it'll come off it took 9 months for you to gain it so it takes time. Just eat mindfully and I'm sure it'll come off.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hormones and all a whole slew of other things can mess with the number you see on the scale, which means you may not see any change or even a gain in scale weight. Stick with whatever you're doing for a MINIMUM of 4 weeks before considering making adjustments.

    I've also read a few posts here that mentioned ladies having trouble losing weight while breastfeeding; once their little one was done, the last of the weight came off.
