Studied abroad and gained about 20 pounds.

Just a vent...

I started my "lifestyle change" last year and it was really working for me. I felt great. I am a 5'1" woman who went from about 195 to 135 - slowly and steadily. I ate between 1,400 and 1,600 calories per day, although I did indulge sometimes. I was struggling losing the last few pounds, but that was OK. I exercised about 4 days per week with walking and yoga.

Then, this year, I decided to study abroad for a little over 4 months. I went to Asia. I thought I could maintain my lifestyle change while I was over there. And you know, I probably could have if I had been more disciplined, but everything just went out the window. I had so many new foods to try! I wanted to go out and see things, and that meant a lot of (not pre-prepared and/or carefully measured) eating and drinking!

I knew I had gained some weight, but I was totally unprepared to see that I had gained 20 pounds! Now a lot of my clothes no longer fit right and I feel really discouraged and down on myself. I thought I HAD this, but I didn't. I feel like maybe I never will. I feel like I can't get back in the swing of things. Objectively, I know I did a great job losing the weight and life happens and I CAN get right back into things, but I'm disappointed with myself.

I don't know. Can I hear some stories about people getting back into a lifestyle change after a setback like this? Is anyone in a similar situation?


  • lilbthebasedgod
    lilbthebasedgod Posts: 34 Member
    For me, I started college roughly two years ago and those "freshman 15" scares were definitely true - I actually gained 20 pounds, not 15! With such ease of access to poor food choices on campus, it led me to a downward spiral and possibly contributed to my depression I have dealt with. I was tired all the time, had no motivation to study, and was getting stretch marks all over my body from the weight gain. Now that I'm in my junior year of college, I would like to say I have a better handle of things, I no longer buy food on campus but take the time every night to prepare something to bring with me instead. It's also a blessing that the campus is so big, which allows me to walk from one building to another and burn off some calories throughout the day if I don't have the time to exercise. I also obtained a fitness membership to the gym on campus, allowing for ease of access between or after classes - I basically had no excuses to not work out! I am still on my fitness journey to become a healthier self, and the first month was the most difficult. After lifestyle changes settle in to become a habit, I promise you things get easier and better to handle once they become routine. Best of luck to you!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    You got the opportunity to live in another country with a completely different culture, language, food... And you took advantage of trying all of the new things. BEST DECISION EVER. So it's 20 pounds. Now you're back in the US, you know what you need to do. Give yourself time. As you lose each pound, reflect on how great it was trying the new things that made you gain it. This is a perfect time of year to be more active. Be grateful you're in your 20s. I lived abroad for 8 years, including having a baby over there. Dropping those 20 pounds in my mid 40s wasn't as easy. I envy you! What a great opportunity, and kudos to you for taking advantage of it! :heart:
  • laetifico
    laetifico Posts: 3 Member
    it's also a blessing that the campus is so big, which allows me to walk from one building to another and burn off some calories throughout the day if I don't have the time to exercise. I also obtained a fitness membership to the gym on campus, allowing for ease of access between or after classes - I basically had no excuses to not work out! I am still on my fitness journey to become a healthier self, and the first month was the most difficult. After lifestyle changes settle in to become a habit, I promise you things get easier and better to handle once they become routine.

    So true. I am lucky that I live in a place where fitness centers/healthy food is just a walk away. And the first month is always the toughest! Thank you for the encouragement.

    You got the opportunity to live in another country with a completely different culture, language, food... And you took advantage of trying all of the new things. BEST DECISION EVER. So it's 20 pounds. Now you're back in the US, you know what you need to do. Give yourself time. As you lose each pound, reflect on how great it was trying the new things that made you gain it. This is a perfect time of year to be more active. Be grateful you're in your 20s. I lived abroad for 8 years, including having a baby over there. Dropping those 20 pounds in my mid 40s wasn't as easy. I envy you! What a great opportunity, and kudos to you for taking advantage of it! :heart:

    Thank you. :smile: Sometimes it's hard to remember that the 20 pounds pales in comparison to the amazing time I had over there. I love the idea of reflecting on the good times I had as I lose each pound. How nice! And yes - summer is here and there's no reason not to be active! Thanks.
  • lilbthebasedgod
    lilbthebasedgod Posts: 34 Member
    You're very welcome! We're on this journey together, and you are more than welcome to add me as a friend (and anyone else who reads this comment) and I am more than happy to support and motivate you along the way. Let's do this!