What are people's feelings on hiit? Do you find it more effective? I've done body rock 21 day challenge and really liked it. Any others that you loved?!


  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I love HITT. Really boosted my general fitness when I did it. I was doing tabatas of 2x8x20 seconds on/10 off biking/rowing. Its great to do something different to conventional training as well :-)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Imo its depends what you wnat out of it. I think it helps as its time efficient, helps improve VO2 and you have increased EPOC/ afterburn. I use it in conjunction with steady state though. Its good because it adds variety and its nice to push yourself, quite funny in fact, although maybe not at the time. Overall ive been looking at my ability to recover from really pushing myself v going slightly slower, but being able to go for longer and recover faster.
  • klreadman
    klreadman Posts: 1 Member
    I love HIIT, I'm currently doing my second round of Insanity. Works well for me
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited June 2015
    What are people's feelings on hiit? Do you find it more effective?

    More effective at what?

    What kind of HIIT?

    HIIT certainly has a role - and for some goals it should even be the dominant form of exercise - but it is only one piece of the fitness puzzle. And doing it well requires a decent level of starting fitness.

    Fair warning though - calorie burns from HIIT (especially as seen on MFP) are for the most part *vastly* over-estimated.