Gained 10 pounds since turning 21

And nope, I'm not a heavy drinker. Maybe I drink like that every 2 weeks. Anyway, I have had success with food journals and so far so good with first entry on here and my fitness. Its pretty encouraging.

Anyways, my name is Kelsey. I currently am on summer break from college. My goals are to be back in the 120 lb range again and feeling healthier, fitter. Always struggle with my weight up till 17, pounds flew off easily and last summer I was the most fit I ever was in my whole life. Whatever has happened, I want to fix it but I'm not looking for speedy miracle. I'm being realistic.

Also in pursuit for low carb recipes, these seem to work well for me. I'm cutting out a good amount of carbs by substituting a meal or two with GNC nutritional lean shake but I don't want to depend on these forever. I love healthy foods just as much as I love garbage foods.

Nice to be in this community though :)