Looking for people to help me stay on track! Have 200+ to lose & I'm doing it!!!



  • amycfatnomore
    amycfatnomore Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone! I literally had to force myself to eat today...I think eating healthier food is actually fueling my body instead of the crap I had been giving it just making me sluggish. I am doing little things to increase my movement but can't wait until it's so difficult to lug this weight around! Logging every bite I put in my mouth & watching the nutrition levels of what I'm consuming is going to be great. (Shhhh but I haven't had any real sugar cravings for 2 days either. I had one brief craving after lunch Monday...put in a piece of sugar-free gum & craving went away!) :smiley:
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I have a treat each night I have a pudding
    I have a sugar free jelly with a weight watchers layered fromage frais and meringue nest
    Very sweet and about 120 calories
    You need to find what works for you I needed something at night watching TV so I put them down in the morning so I know how many calories I have to play with for the rest of the day
    I started 156 days ago at 302 lbs I am now 241 lbs I have lost 61 lbs
  • amycfatnomore
    amycfatnomore Posts: 30 Member
    sounds good Smallerjojo! And congrats on the loss!!
  • sophiasmom0914
    sophiasmom0914 Posts: 5 Member
    Is anyone here doing low carb?
    I had my first baby 8 months ago and I have managed to put on 40 lbs that I cannot seem to lose for the life of me!! I need motivation.
    All of you are SO awesome.
  • Peachiko87
    Peachiko87 Posts: 45 Member
    It gets easier the more you do it! :D
  • msharrington315
    msharrington315 Posts: 199 Member
    It can be done. I lost over 200 lbs in 11 months. It's all about making small changes over time. Let you body and mind adjust to the changes. Stick to it and I know you can do it too! Proud of you taking the first step!
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    good luck on your journey.. i have sent you a friend request..