Hello Everyone!

Hello, my name is Caitlin I am from NM. I have been trying to lose weight my whole life. I am extremely overweight and want to feel comfortable in my skin. I am currently into my 4th year of college and struggle with eating right. I am on a low budget so need tips for cheap quick meals. Also encouragment to excessice! I really don't have aclue of what extra things to do for my body. I really want to lose weight before I leave college and start my life. I have been off and on with my fitness pal. I need adds and people who can encourage me and I can encourage.


  • albatraoz_clc
    albatraoz_clc Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there! I just started a couple weeks ago, I've also had all those problems with finishing schooling and taking care of myself. I started biking and P90 home workouts, I have a dog that loves her walks too! Add me if you like, I'm on and log everyday ☺️