Starting again and need new friends!

snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
Last year with MFP I lost 22 pounds, hit my goal weight, and couldn't have been happier. Well in the last year I have had a stressful working environment and it has caused me to fall into bad habits. I gained 6 pounds back and now that I have a break it is time for me to get back on track. I used to have great MFP friends but I deleted all of them some months ago and am looking forward to finding new friends. I have an open diary and love friends that have the same, but of course not needed. If you add me as a friend I promise to give you


  • AmyBethBoothroyd
    AmyBethBoothroyd Posts: 32 Member
    Go ahead and add me. Looking for encouaging firends too. if anyone waould like to add me. We're all on this journey together! It's totally awesome you want to get back on track!!! I have an open diary and love getting advice and sharing my tips!
  • quesarahsarah98
    quesarahsarah98 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I have loads to lose and I'm happy to support you. Although I didn't achieve goal, I experienced a similar weight loss last year. but have put it all back on so this is also my second journey. Older and wiser and determined not to make the same mistakes. Definitely need to curb my emotional eating. Love to hear from you all. :) Sarah/London
  • debbiepringle
    debbiepringle Posts: 76 Member
    So I too have returned. I did so well in 2011-12. I lost 65lbs. Now today I am in Need of that will power I once had and new friends to help me again. I have put all the weight back on and then some. It helps to see how others are succeeding.
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    I've done this before and MFP is always a major part of my journey. The last time I was using this site I lost 45 pounds. Yeah me! But then life happened and I let stress and depression win the battle. I put 30 of those pounds back on and I am NOT happy and just don't feel good. I'm back at it and more determined than ever.

    The stress is not gone and won't be for some time BUT I am NOT letting have the control or power anymore.

    I've got a total 80 pounds I'd like to lose from here. If you'd like some support, I will be on here daily. I promise to cheer on your victories and give you support when you need a kick in the behind. All I ask is that you provide the same....

    Send me a friend request if interested.... and, good luck on your journey. Let's kick FATS butt!
  • quesarahsarah98
    quesarahsarah98 Posts: 3 Member
    Did really well today and then my husband made BANOFFEE PIE!!! He wants to cheer me up cos he thinks I'm suffering (but I'm really not!!!) I've tried everything to get him to stop baking, or buying me chocolates because he's sabotaging my efforts, but he says that if I don't want the stuff, I shouldn't eat it. Of course, I never can resist the treats when they're in my face so I've completely ruined my good work today. Never mind, tomorrow is another day. Hope you're all having better days.