Artificial sweeteners



  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    There is always a huge debate on this topic.

    My line on it is simple: If it came from an actual plant, eat it. If it was made by some guy WORKING in a plant, don't eat it.
  • MaureensFreshStart
    MaureensFreshStart Posts: 102 Member
    I try to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as I can - aspartame (Nutrasweet) has always given me a headache, and sucralose (Splenda) just doesn't agree with my tummy - so even if I was tempted to use them, my body would quickly remind me why I shouldn't! I've also read several studies where both are unsafe anyway, so I'd rather not even risk it, even if my body was fine with it.
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    Aspartame is the worst; it is converted to formaldahyde in the body and has been linked to (though never proven to cause) cancer and neurological problems.
    I'd say splenda is better, and stevia is the best (it is a natural plant extract). But something to keep in mind: studies have conclusively proven that consumption of large amounts of any artificial sweeteners leads to weight GAIN. Essentially the sweet taste of artificial sweeteners signals to your body that calories are incoming, and when your body doesn't actually receive any calories it causes out of control cravings (as your body is looking for those calories it expected). I wouldn't worry about this unless you're consuming large amounts of sweetener though (guzzling diet soda, etc.). I personally use 5-10 drops of stevia in my coffee every morning and have never had a problem.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Stevia is a plant; Truvia is a brand name for Stevia (also available here in the USA). I use Truvia and Nectresse, which has monk fruit extract. Both also include erythritol, a sugar alcohol derived by fermentation from glucose which can cause digestive upset in some (try eating a bunch of sugar free candy and you'll see what I mean). If I don't have Truvia or Nectresse available, I'll use Splenda as a fallback.

    I use sweetener in my morning and afternoon cup of tea or coffee, occasionally sprinkled on fruit, and occasionally in cooking. My taste has changed over the past few years and I don't enjoy highly sweetened products like I used to; eat less sweet things (or salty things) and you'll find your taste will change. But I have no plans to completely eliminate sweeteners. All things in moderation.
  • alyngard
    alyngard Posts: 103
    UK banned Stevia? I had not idea. Wonder why. Maybe it would take all the other sweeteners out of business, lol. It is a natural sweetener.

    Truvia is the UK Stevia. It is totally natural and can be used like sugar.

    Truvia has stevia extract in it, but they are not the same thing at all. Stevia extract is directly from the stevia plant and has not been processed and added to like Truvia. Typically stevia extract comes in liquid form with a little dropper. One tsp of stevia extract is equal to one cup of sugar, but a bit over 1/3 cup truvia is equal to one cup sugar.
    I use truvia, but have just ordered stevia extract from Amazon and am waiting to get it in the mail. I live in the UK and wasn't able to find it at any stores (waitrose, wholefoods etc).
    Although I am sure unrefined sugars are better for you. I drink a lot of coffee and tea and just am not willing to use the extra calories on that (plus I'm always over sugar because I eat a lot of fruit).
    My advice would be to use liquid stevia extract if you are going to use artificial sweetener a lot. It's probably the best out of all of them for you.
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    2 spoonfuls of pure cane sugar is like 20 calories a spoonful.. I have 2 every morning in my coffee and it hasn't hindered my weight loss.... If it fits in your caloric intake and you aren't drinking 4 or 5 cups a day worth then I say stick to the sugar... you are obviously losing weight..... Best of Luck to you.... Oh and unless you have an underlying reason to not use them I am in the camp of artificial sweeteners are fine........ :drinker:

    OMG - 312 lbs! well done you
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    Anyone ever put honey in coffee? The artificial sweetener articles are terrifying me lol. Maybe back to unrefined sugar for me. Suppose honey would at least have added benefits though. Thoughts?
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Aspartame is the worst; it is converted to formaldahyde in the body and has been linked to (though never proven to cause) cancer and neurological problems.
    I'd say splenda is better, and stevia is the best (it is a natural plant extract). But something to keep in mind: studies have conclusively proven that consumption of large amounts of any artificial sweeteners leads to weight GAIN. Essentially the sweet taste of artificial sweeteners signals to your body that calories are incoming, and when your body doesn't actually receive any calories it causes out of control cravings (as your body is looking for those calories it expected). I wouldn't worry about this unless you're consuming large amounts of sweetener though (guzzling diet soda, etc.). I personally use 5-10 drops of stevia in my coffee every morning and have never had a problem.
    Fruits are also converted to formaldehyde. Are they bad as well?

    I would be interested to read the studies that have conclusively proven that consumption of large amounts of AF leads to weight gain.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Anyone ever put honey in coffee? The artificial sweetener articles are terrifying me lol. Maybe back to unrefined sugar for me. Suppose honey would at least have added benefits though. Thoughts?
    Most of the frightening artificial sweetener articles are rubbish written by quacks like Mercola and the Health Ranger. Unfortunately they can be very convincing.
    Here are some articles that might be worth reading to help you make a decision.
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    I'm so confused :embarassed:
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I like many products that contain aspartame, prefer splenda as my "packet sweetener", and like how easily sweetnlow (sacharin) dissolves.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have a stevia plant in my back yard and I've been popping off a leaf to put in my tea. it's wonderful and it doesn't get more natural then that.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I use Xylitol instead of stevia because I prefer the taste (closer to sugar in my opinion and no aftertaste)

    It is a natural sugar alcohol and they extract it from birch trees or corn. It won't affect blood sugar levels (has a GI of like 7) and has 40% of the calories as sugar

    it is apparently good for dental health also lol

    It has been used in Europe for a long time in diabetic sweets :)
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    I stopped putting milk and sweetener in my coffee years ago and now I cannot drink it any other way. Once you get used to it you'll realize you have never really tasted coffee.
  • czecher
    czecher Posts: 21
    GROW stevia yourself. Here (San Diego) it is an annual. I planted small seedlings last year and they fowered but I cannot find the seeds. They come back and I have already harvested leaves once this year and am getting ready to do a second harvest.

    Honey in coffee is not the taste I prefer so I use stevia, however, I LOVE honey in my tea. I gave up splenda when studies showed it can worsen any depression or even cause it.

    I'm sure I will get flowers/seeds again so I can send a few.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have heard some bad things about soda

  • Livdoesketo
    Livdoesketo Posts: 38 Member
    For me all artificial sweeteners are bad. My belly blows up like I am 10 month pregnant. lol. I only use Stevia as a sweetener. No effect on my belly and zero calories.

    This exactly^^^^^ i even keep packets in my purse in case i am out and need one. I even gave up the crystal lite packets due to the artificial sweeteners for the same reason...

    Do you use a certain brand? Powder or tablets? Will have to eBay order as search is saying uk banned it!

    You can buy stevia in Sainsburys and Holland and Barrett so don't know where you are looking! It's brand name is Truvia, just don't get the baking blend as that is 50% sugar.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    *sips his Cherry Coke Zero*

    I do not try to avoid artificial sweeteners at all. But on the flip side, I also do not avoid real sugars. If I am drinking coffee, I will use real sugar because it really isn't a diet buster. And I drink diet sodas because I enjoy the taste and prefer to avoid the 1,000 calories I would be drinking otherwise.