serious about this

arminbegovic_ Posts: 1 Member
edited June 2015 in Getting Started
Hi everyone!

So about 2 months ago I was really serious about working out and watching on what I was eating, I lost 12 pounds and everything went great until I went on vacation and started eating fat food again (I'm originally from Bosnia, our food is really fat)

Anyway to make a long story short, I'm 200 pounds again (5'10) and I want to know how many pounds I could lose before I go on vacation which is in july the 24th, I filled everything in at the goals section of the my fitness pal app, but for some reason it says I'll only lose 5 pounds before 13th july which sounds really weird because I choose the option on the app to lose 2 pounds a week (no idea if that's healthy btw)

I'm going to the gym 5 times a week, training both upper and lower body including a 30 or 40 minute cardio every day. I walk a lot so you could say I'm really active. If I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day, how many pounds would I be able to lose until the end of july?

This information would be really helpful to me and would keep me motivated.