I want to lift!



  • QuallyLeShay
    QuallyLeShay Posts: 37 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I'll just add: Sometimes we get self-conscious about ourselves and attribute motivations in others that aren't really there.

    Maybe he's not blowing you off because you're overweight. Maybe he's just a jerk. Or maybe you're not being assertive or not commanding respect with how you ask your questions.

    People will treat you how you demand to be treated. This is true whether you're a size 2 or a size 20.

    Honestly I think he blew it off because he is constantly being pulled in 4664246799 different directions. With only one trainer he's constantly bombarded with requests. It's easy to say "are you at your goal weight?" And when the answer is not yet to tell clients to focus on that until they are. Cardio is the no brainer. You don't have to teach proper form for that. Lol. Good news is I looked up several links and did some reading. Found a really great app to help keep up with progress and even videos that show proper form! Isn't technology great! Watch me go.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    It sounds like there's a good opportunity for a second trainer to set up shop in your town. Basic supply and demand, eh?
  • srujana_kanneganti
    srujana_kanneganti Posts: 63 Member
    edited June 2015

    Honestly I think he blew it off because he is constantly being pulled in 4664246799 different directions. With only one trainer he's constantly bombarded with requests. It's easy to say "are you at your goal weight?" And when the answer is not yet to tell clients to focus on that until they are. Cardio is the no brainer. You don't have to teach proper form for that. Lol. Good news is I looked up several links and did some reading. Found a really great app to help keep up with progress and even videos that show proper form! Isn't technology great! Watch me go.

    Could I get the name of that app? :)

  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited June 2015
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I like weight training too.. it's fun.
    But I also love Cardo.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Tossing another option out there:

    Can Yoga Replace Strength Training?

    ...if you’ve ever had sore muscles after a yoga session, you might have wondered if you could just do yoga instead. [1]

    Many yoga practitioners look toned, as if they go to the gym and lift weights. And they do: their own body weight. Quite simply, yoga poses require positions and orientations that engage our muscles. [2]

    ...“Yoga can be just as effective as weights when it comes to building a stronger, more impressive physique,” says Nicholas DiNubile, M.D. Experts agree that whether or not yoga can be your sole form of strength training depends on your goals. [3]

    ...Yoga also tones both large and small muscles all over your body in balance with one another, while weight training isolates one muscle group at a time—like the back and forth of a bicep curl. [6]

    ...By holding positions longer, doing more repetitions, and learning new poses, yoga can become more challenging. Before you try advanced poses like arm balances, start with the basics, use a yoga DVD, or consult videos online at GaiamTV.com.

    I advise clients who wish to stay fit and healthy to mix body-weight exercises (pushups, squats, calisthenics) with workouts using weights or resistance tools. Many studies have shown that the more variety in your routine, the faster you’ll see results. [9]

    Read more at http://www.mindfulmuscle.com/yoga-mindful-strength-training/#Po0dfWPtWL2jHOvz.99


    Don't start here, lol:


    (At my peak, I couldn't do that, and didn't want to. But I knew people who could!)

    Rodney Yee: Strength Building Yoga For Beginners says it is for beginners, but he is assuming familiarity with the postures.
