Starting P90X3 tomorrow (6/8) Anybody else?

I've done Insanity twice and classic P90X once and I am going to start P90X3 tomorrow since it is a shorter program. Anybody else starting this program, or any program, and wants to have a support group? I am not a beachbody coach so I won't be attempting to sell you anything.


  • ScubaMom4
    ScubaMom4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I started last Monday. This is week two for me.
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I have done p90x and now I have moved onto p90x3 I'm on week 2!! feel free to add!! :)
  • BeautyPop
    BeautyPop Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I just started the P90x3 program yesterday. My sister has been doing it for three weeks now and she's seen some pretty decent results. I figured I would try too.
  • amyrichard34
    amyrichard34 Posts: 108 Member
    Just finished my second round about a month ago. Its my favorite of the P90 series. Good luck,hope you love it:-)
  • obrienpen
    obrienpen Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I just started P90x3 on 6/9. A support group would be great. Feel free to add.
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    I just started P90x3 on Monday (6/8) as well - support would be nice! I think I died a little in that crane pose.

    Not following any specific meal plan with the program, but we'll see how it goes! I've done classic P90x in the past but T-25 got me hooked on the shorter workouts. :)
  • obrienpen
    obrienpen Posts: 6 Member
    I did the YogaX workout today and found it to be really easy and a little too short, I am going to have to make liberal use of the pause button the hold poses longer next time in order to get a workout. I hated 90 minutes of the same boring Yoga in P90x, but this seemed to be lacking.
  • JTB51
    JTB51 Posts: 60 Member
    Try P90x2 yoga, it is about 45 mins, but is more high pace.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I have P90X3 workouts integrated into a hybrid workout I am doing.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Hey ive just started on monday. And loving it. Getting uo at 6am and having tony whip me up for the rest of the day. Tryied p90x was to long for me and kept stopping starting ;(
  • tfederov
    tfederov Posts: 1 Member
    CVX.... I love it... but I.... who am I kidding... I hate it! :smiley:

    Shoulders are on fire today!
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi all!! I'm not doing P90x3, but my hubby is about to finish (he'll be done next week :)! Just thought I'd share a few things he's learned.

    1. Don't be frustrated if you don't see significant changes in the #'s. His fitness has improved tremendously, but actually gained weight (muscle) and his bmi is down. Measure success by how well you can do each move the next time. He realizes now he thought he was in better shape than he actually was when he started.

    2. Take your rest days! He was doing seven days / week but found quickly his muscles needed the day off.

    3. You can't out exercise a bad diet. Follow the recommended program as close as possible. You won't be perfect but if you are 80-90% perfect that is OK :).
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks for the tip ;) i need my rest day but ill have it sunday lol
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I do random BeachBody workouts. My trainer (who does happen to be a BeachBody coach along with a huge list of real certifications lol) knows my performance/racing schedule and gives me workouts based on that. Feel free to add/message with questions!

    PS - I've been seeing amazing results in my performance. I also sometimes pretend Tony Horton is my boyfriend because he is like the only guy I see on a regular basis.... #trainingproblems
  • alkight84
    alkight84 Posts: 66 Member
    That's a good idea! Maybe if he's my workout boyfriend I can stay motivated lol
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Has anyone got better with balance and instead of modifty able to do the full workout? Im in week 2. Try to do dymantics or whatever its called then change to total synem... yeah i cant spell either haha anyways i fine i have to reay modfity some things. Like the push up side plank. I have to do it on my knees as i can push up from my feet yet :( but ice been doing this bare feeted wonder wether to try with trainera on. Plus i have no yoga mat yet
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    Not yet, but it definitely comes with time. I'm in week 2 as well. I can't imagine doing some the workouts without a yoga mat, but then I only have tile floors.

    This is my first time doing p90x3 but with T-25, it wasn't until my third time through I was finally able to do a squat hop. I still can't do a regular push up or a full out side plank! I'm getting better though and you will too! :)
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Lol thanks. I cant do burpree's either haha have to laugh at myself for trying. I did the warrior this morning. My sister just gave me her mat yesterday think i need to put it to the test and my carpet doesnt give me the support i need for the downward dog lol i slip but i found im to short to even touch the floor so once my block comes it should help me out a bit lol
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    On my 3rd week as of today :) bought a pull up bar at the weekend and i cant even pull myself up. I even tried with a chair and its to high hahaha. So i either need to do steps for the moves or stick to the band :( until i strengthen my arms more to pull me up. Also burnt less today than last monday :( my chest strap was being a pain according to my watch lol. must have no picked up my heart beat few times from where it was laying :S or something. anyways how is everyone else getting on with their workouts?
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    Dripping after CVX today...and Warrior tomorrow! haha

    We have still have 10 more weeks to improve so I wouldn't fret too much about not being able to do a pull-up yet! I'm pretty sure I couldn't even do a pull-up now, so I haven't purchased a chin-up bar. I'm sticking with the band for now as well as "girl" push-ups! :smile: