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lost about recomposition

recently i've gained back some weight, which was my goal (although i gained more body fat back than i had previously :neutral: ) and i'm torn between maintenance with where i'm at, or if i should lose a little of what i gained. idk how to get rid of bodyfat without eating at a deficit and lots of cardio, or can you lose bodyfat while maintaining weight? i just want to be more toned like i used to be! but i was a little on the too thin side which is why i decided to gain some to fill out my clothes better. but now i'm skinnyfat and hate it so much :(

i've heard lots of people say to start lifting, but i don't have access to a gym (yet!! hopefully after i get a new job i will yay! but anyway) and i'm also prone to injury so i'm a bit apprehensive about lifting anything that would be too strenuous. i'm just confused because i read so many things that contradict each other. does it just come down to diet & exercise regimen? just need a little input :smile:


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    There a really good recomp thread in this forum - well worth a read.
    Yes it is about reducing fat / increasing muscle without being in a significant deficit.

    First make a decision though about your weight.
    The quickest way to reduce bodyfat is a calorie deficit - nothing to do with "lots of cardio", that may just help create the deficit.

    No idea what you mean by "toned" as that's a meaningless phrase that means different things to different people. Athletic? Low bodyfat lean? Muscular?

    If you want to increase the size of your muscles then strength/resistance/weight training is by far the quickest route. That doesn't have to be done in a gym - bodyweight exercises for example.

  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    by toned i just mean lowbody fat & slight definition :P and yes i use cardio to help create my deficit, that's what i meant. so i don't have to be in a huge deficit to accomplish getting rid of some bodyfat? i don't want to lose a ton of weight again, but i def do want my abs to come back!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    The recomp thread by usmcorp is very informative on this topic. Your questions will find great answers there as above poster mentioned.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    by toned i just mean lowbody fat & slight definition :P and yes i use cardio to help create my deficit, that's what i meant. so i don't have to be in a huge deficit to accomplish getting rid of some bodyfat? i don't want to lose a ton of weight again, but i def do want my abs to come back!

    Your fat is just fuel - you don't need to do anything special to lose it. The size of your deficit just changes the speed. In many ways slower is better for retention of lean mass, especially as you don't have much to lose.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    thanks guys, i'm gonna read up on that recomp thread, i've just been on mobile a lot lately & lazy/impatient in dealing with the app.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Read the recomp thread. And to add, not having access to a gym doesn't mean you can't properly strength train. There are many progressions in bodyweight exercises that can make them very difficult.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    The only way you're going to get any definition is by lifting weights and eating at maintenance or slightly above. If you don't have access to weights just yet, start by doing bodyweight exercises and maybe pick up a cheap pair of 15 pound dumbbells or a kettlebell - there are tons you can do with either of these.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    RaspberryTickleChicken Posts: 629 Member
    I think many confuses strength training with body building. Strength training does not necessarily mean heavy weights at the gym.

    As another poster has mentioned, bodyweight exercises are equally effective for everyday person looking to tone, especially for beginners.

    Push ups (regular, wide arm, diamond), tricep dips, pull ups (park or an inexpensive pull up bar over a door frame), planks (reg, side), burpees will all help tone. And the best part all equipment free which can be done anywhere.

    If you are looking to build muscles, then yea need to go heavy probably at the gym. However, if you're only looking to tone up for some definition don't let a lack of gym access stop you.

    Good luck!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    There a really good recomp thread in this forum - well worth a read.
    Yes it is about reducing fat / increasing muscle without being in a significant deficit.

    First make a decision though about your weight.
    The quickest way to reduce bodyfat is a calorie deficit - nothing to do with "lots of cardio", that may just help create the deficit.

    No idea what you mean by "toned" as that's a meaningless phrase that means different things to different people. Athletic? Low bodyfat lean? Muscular?

    If you want to increase the size of your muscles then strength/resistance/weight training is by far the quickest route. That doesn't have to be done in a gym - bodyweight exercises for example.

    Anyone know where I can find this thread?

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    There a really good recomp thread in this forum - well worth a read.
    Yes it is about reducing fat / increasing muscle without being in a significant deficit.

    First make a decision though about your weight.
    The quickest way to reduce bodyfat is a calorie deficit - nothing to do with "lots of cardio", that may just help create the deficit.

    No idea what you mean by "toned" as that's a meaningless phrase that means different things to different people. Athletic? Low bodyfat lean? Muscular?

    If you want to increase the size of your muscles then strength/resistance/weight training is by far the quickest route. That doesn't have to be done in a gym - bodyweight exercises for example.

    Anyone know where I can find this thread?
